•Chapter 2•

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Len's POV

I look at the lady, who now has a surprised look on her face. I look at the boys, who look confused as hell.

"Um... What's your name?" I ask the lady, trying to change the subject.

"It's Izumi Cirtus." She says calmly. "And what would your name be?"

Okay. Didn't expect that question, but I answer it anyway.

"I'm Len. Len Kagamine." I say, hoping that fangirls won't jump out of no where, and start chasing me.

Hey! They actually do that!

It's kind of creepy.

Luckily for me, no fangirls are anywhere to be seen.

For now anyway.

I look at Izumi, who is looking at me with interest. "Interesting name." She says as she stands up.

I also stand up, but I turn around and look at the boys. "And, what are your names, if you don't mind me asking?"

The blond one speaks this time. "I'm Edward Elric, and this is my little brother, Alphonse." He says.

"Okay." I said as I looked away from them, and around the room.

I'm going to have to say good bye to all of these nice people soon if I want to start looking for my friends.

But then again, it's not like I have any money or anything.

Which makes things quite a bit harder.

I might as well stay here for a bit longer.

Izumi looks at Edward and Alphonse. "Have you boys gotten any sleep?" She asks them.

"No." Alphonse says quietly.

Izumi looks at the brothers with concern. "You two should get some sleep then." She told them.

-time skip-

Edward's POV

I found my self standing in a yellow, and orange patterned room. There was a bunk bed along one of the walls, with two drawers along the other wall. There was a double doors near the corner, with one door painted yellow, and the other one orange.

Seriously though. What's with all of the orange and yellow?

"Come on Len!" I hear a girl's voice.

Wait a minute.

The name Len...

Haven't I heard that somewhere?

The door bursts open, and a pair of twins race into the room.

"I'll race you to the bed!" The male twin says excitedly as he races toward the bunk bed.

That voice is familiar.

I mean, I know I've heard that voice sometime recently, but I can't pick up where I heard it.

Len's POV

-time skip-

I follow Izumi to the dining room. It's been about a week since I woke up, and met Izumi, Edward, And Alphonse.

Not too much has happened since I woke up. You know, just Izumi beating up the poor brothers, and then treating me like I was her son.

Just the usual. Nothing to worry about.

Izumi had made me breakfast, and I decided to add a banana to the meal.

"So," Izumi said as she, and I sat down. "You want to know about alchemy, right?"

Music in Amestris (An FMA x Vocaloid crossover)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя