•Chapter 4•

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Len's POV

This is weird. I just had to explain to Edward, and Izumi about what had happened 30 minutes ago.

I had used alchemy without one of those circle thingies.

"What did you do?" Izumi asked me sternly.

"I didn't do anything! I don't even know how I can do this!" I said, a hint of frustration in my voice.

Edward looked at me with a worried look, but didn't say anything.

Izumi sighed. "I think that's enough questions for now." She said as she stood up, and walk out of the room.

I looked at Ed. "So, what do I do now?" I asked him.

"I talked to Alphonse, and you can come with us." He told me, somehow keeping his cool.

But, I did NOT expect that.

I get to go with them?'

I felt my heart leap with joy.

Now I get to find Rin, and find out if anyone else is here!

"When are we leaving then?" I ask him.


Meiko's POV

Omg! I can't wait for work today!

Lt. Hawkeye is going to teach me how to shoot a gun!

I'm such a dare devil!

Because, I'm going to make my self a bit drunk right before she teaches me!

This is going to be so much fun!

This the the best idea!

Len's POV

Before we head off to Central, Edward said that we have to go to his automail mechanic to get his arm fixed up.

I didn't notice anything wrong with it, but apparently he was having a bit of trouble moving his arm lately, and didn't want it breaking down on him in the middle of a nettle or something.

Maybe Rin will be there. I hope she is, because then I won't be alone in trying to get us home.

Well, I'm alone for now, anyway.

All I know, is that Rin, and Kaito are most likely here.

I look out the window, feeling alone, and useless.

Rin and I have never been apart for this long before.

I hear someone walk into the room, and over to me.

"Are you okay?"

I realize that the person is Edward.

"Yea. I'm fine." I lie, still stareing out the window.

"You sure?" He asks me nervously. "You look a bit down."

I decide to keep going until he believes me, and leaves. "Seriously, I'm fine." I don't make eye contact with him, and continue stareing out the window.

"I don't believe you."

"I'm fine."

"Then why are you still stareing out the window?"

Why? Because I'll cry if I look at him.

And, why will I cry?

Because he looks a bit like Rin.

But, there is no way that I'm going to admit it.

Well, for now anyway.

"I'm so alone..." I mutter under my breath, hoping that he doesn't hear.

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