Chapter 4

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Luke's pov

After the kiss Michael and Ashton came in with food. Good thing Calum and I wasn't still kissing, that would be a little awkward.

"Finally you guys are back we are starving!" I heard Calum scream.

"Sorry we kind of got mobbed." Michael said.

"Well then let's eat." Aston said.

"What did you guys get for breakfast." I said

"McDonald's." Ashton and Michael said at the same time.

After we ate breakfast we got ready to head to the airport. We are all done packing so we head to the van to take us to the airport.

Calum sat next to me and intertwined our lhands, but making sure our hands were hidden.

Once we got to the airport it was crazy with a bunch of fans greeting us, and then saying goodbye as we go home. Last night was our last show for the tour so now we get to go home and see out families and get a break.

We finally made it to the gate on time. We got the plane to ourselves, so we wouldn't get bothered if there was any fans. We do love our fans but sometimes we just want to be in peace.

We got on the plane and sat down. We all fell asleep because we were really is exhausted. It also was going to be a long ride home.

We all slept through the whole ride. I guess we were really exhausted, but we finally arrived in  Australia. We got of the plane and our families were waiting for us.

We all decided to spend today with our families and tomorrow we will all hang out. We gave each other a hug before we left the airport.

On the ride home I decided to text Calum to ask when are we going to tell our families about us.

To: Cal
When are we going to tell our families about us?

From: Cal
When ever you want babe. I think we should tell Mikey and Ash first and see how they feel about it first.

I got butterflies in my stomach at the name he called me.

To: Cal
Okay, and we should tell Mikey and Ash tomorrow. I am ready to tell them. Plus maybe with cake being real our band might get more popular.

From: Cal
Okay I am ready when you are, and yes it might. I am going to go now bye and I'll text you tonight.

To: Cal
❤️ can't wait till tonight,
Sorry for the wait, but this is my last week of school before spring break. I won't be updating over spring break because I am going camping and I won't have and electronics so I will try to update a couple chapters this week.

Also I would love some feed back. Comment something so I know you are liking it so far. Message me if you want too.

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