Chapter 1:Lover's Leap

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BTW Wade has voices in his head{}this is logic []this is insanity.

Wade POV 

I'm so done. I can't stand living anymore. Not even chimichangas can fix my utterly fucked up life. But I can't die. I wish I had let myself die ages ago, and not gone through procedures to fix my cancer  just for a woman who gaged when she saw my skin after the treatment, smacked me, called me a faggot and broke our engagement when I told her I was bisexual. Just thinking about Anastasia sent a sudden wave of nostalgia through my mind as I moved up to the ledge facing the midnight New York skyline.


Logic's voice screamed in my head as I was starting let insanity take reign over my body and mind. This was the lover's leap, but the only company I had now on the deserted couples suicide hotspot was the voices inside my head that were only yelling louder with each step closer to the edge.

[JUST JUMP ALREADY YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING FAG]  insanity screeched as I spiraled out of control launching myself off of the ledge.

Suddenly, in a streak of red and black, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and felt a descending feeling.

"Let me go, I'm not dead yet!!!!" I screamed and batted at the masked figure holding me fast.

The person(I hoped) set me down on the sidewalk, and crouched in front of me.

" Are you crazy you..." He paused and actually got a good look at me.

"Yes, I am crazy, if you hadn't noticed I was trying to jump lover's leap, now if you excuse me, I would like to get this over with."

The person pulled off his mask and i was not ready for what I saw.  This guy looked no older than 17, and had dark brown hair, piercing chocolaty eyes, and an angular face. I travelled down the rest of this body only to find lean muscle long fingered hands, and god, that tight ass in that spandex suit.....

He cleared his throat and offered a gloved hand for me to shake. 

" I'm  Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman, but you can call me Peter Parker."

"I wish I could say nice to meet you Spideyman, but this is not a good time, considering you saved my life against my own will!" I snapped back and pushed past him and hurried away.

He almost instantly flew in front of me and returned to his crouched position near my feet.

"So who are you?" He asked rather cheerfully reminding me of the shrink Anastasia used to take me to. 

"I'm Wade Fucking Wilson." I snarled and ran into the nearest bar, to the side of the street.

"Give me a shot of something strong." I told the bartender, and looked back at the door.

About ten minutes and countless shots later, I was totally wasted as I saw a guy who looked exactly like that Petey dude walk in. I turned away from the door, but he located me easily in the deserted bar, and sat next to me.

"Wade Wilson, listen to me."

"Hey spideyman, come to rescue some damsels?" I slurred.

He looked at me in disgust and asked something that cut through the fog of my drunkenness for a clear moment. 

"Why did you try to kill yourself?"

Just as he asked the question, the alcohol fog settled back over my mind, and I told him my whole crappy life story, from abusive stepfathers, socialite mothers, falling in love, getting sick, and my immortality.

"Whoa! Who woulda thunk there was another superhero in NYC!"

I chuckled at the thought of me in a bodysuit fighting crime. "Uh, no. I'm just a jobless son of a bitch who doesn't need to help people to get money."

"Oh, you should think about it. People would kill to be an immortal crime fighter. Hey, you can even call up my suit guy...."

"Hell to the mother fucking no I'm not calling up your suit guy first of all, and secondly people might kill for the immortality, but would they kill for these ugly scars and all the pain that comes with immortality? I thought not so fuck off spideyman, I can handle my own shit thank you very much!"

I slammed 4 $20s on the counter and stormed out of the bar.

That was the last time I saw him in 4 years.

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