Chapter 5:Living alone (not quite)

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Hola mys friends🤗🤗🤗im so busy with school I'm get ear infections and sinus infections a lot and  i barely have time to edit (not like i did a good job of that anyway😁😁😁) im not going to have a lot of downtime to write in the future but ill try to update more regularly.   and wow u r amazing I have over 900 reads like are there even that many ppl in the world lol😂😂😂 shout out to all fans I apprecinate (yes that's spelled right BITCHESSSSSSS )you😂😂😂 🍐🍐🍐eat pears my pals ☄☄and make a wish Now onto the story😘😘😘 

Peter POV

I honestly didnt realize how bad i had fucked up tony's place until i was packing. Clother were all over the floor and food wrappers and ciggaretts(since when do i smoke?!?!)  were everywhere. I gave up cleaning and let tonys maids fuss over that. I grabbed my bookbag and duffel bags filled with clothes and headed to the quarintine area. Wade was knocked out and strapped to a wheelchair ready to leave. Tony appeared my my side and pressed the keys to Wade's safehouse in my hand. 

"You and Richard are, by law guardians of a uh.. "handicapped" person. Dont do anything I wouldnt do, and wear condoms."

I choked back a gasp as tony laughed. 

"C'mon kid, if you dont love him why are you here? Just be careful, he gets angry easily.  We hugged and parted ways. I walked to Aunt May's house. 

"Come in" she said tiredly.

"Oh, Petey, dear, I think you forgot this box when you were moving in with your friend, do you mind if I take a peek inside?" She said lifting the lid slightly.

I snatched away the box full of very private very intimate very secret items and shoved it into my bag. 

"Well since I'm getting older by the minute I think we need to address the elephant in the room" she said addressing my rainbow phone case and bracelet.

"Aunt May, I'm a man in love with a man, and there is nothing you can do to change it." I stated with adrenaline pumping through my body.

"Ok whatever my hellbound nephew." The lady had the nerve to kiss my forehead and shoo me out.  She slammed the door and muttered to herself. 

As I headed home I thought about how much I would love living with Wade. I hope Richard is not homophobic because me and wade are gonna be banging after a while....

Bad thoughts Peter I thought and slapped my wristband on my wrist painfully.

I got to the safe house and was super excited to see wade and meet our roomie! But when I opened the door my jaw dropped to the floor and my eyes bulged out of my sockets. Moans came from the living room and I saw Wade on the Couch with a certain brunette head between his legs.

"Fuck, Rich, I'm gonna cum!" He swallowed, licked his lips and stood op grinning. This chiseled jaw little...,uugghgghg stealing my man. Welp definitely not a homophobe. My face was redder than my suit as Richard saw me, his expression dropped and a smirk resurfaced. 

"Hey, you must be Peter, I'm Richard, and I'm fucking wade!" He grinned candidly. Wade blushed furiously and ran into his room. He held out his hand.

"Yea, but you gotta little cum on your wrist." I said blushing. He smirked and licked it and walked his buck naked ass into WADE'S room.

I sighed and sat on a chair (I'm never sitting on that couch) 

And just when I thought I could handle living alone with wade and another random guy. 

Uh not quite...

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