Chapter 33

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From last chapter

I sat down and was talking to everyone and then I heard them give the first call to my flight, so I got up and started to hug everyone and said, "I will see you all really soon". I was starting to walk away and then I heard someone yell, "MIA DON'T LEAVE, I'M REALLY SORRY"

Mia's POV ~ Starting this chapter

Once I heard someone yell from me, I turned around to see who it was. Hunter. What do I do? I don't want to talk to him, I just want to go home. I then decided to turn around and just keep walking to my flight. I was almost to my flight until I felt someone touch my shoulder. I didn't even turn around I just said, "What Hunter". I finally turned to him and he said, "Mia I really don't know what I did. Can you please tell me? Whatever it was I'm sorry". 

"Hunter if you don't even know what you did, then I can't forgive you and you can't be sorry for it", I said and then tried to turn around. "But I am sorry for whatever it was, I just need you to tell me what it was", Hunter said. I could tell that he was getting upset from his voice but I just kept walking to where my flight was. 

Hunter's POV

I just got to the airport knowing that Mia's flight was for 11. By the time I was walking in, she was already walking to her flight. I wanted to talk to her before she left so I yelling, "MIA DON'T LEAVE, I'M REALLY SORRY". Right after I yelled to her, she turned around realized who it was and looked away from me and just kept walking. I was trying to run as fast as I could because I just really wanted to talk to her before her leaving, because I don't want her to leave. 

I caught up to her and grabbed her shoulder and said, "Mia I really don't know what I did. Can you please tell me? Whatever it was I'm sorry". Well I hope this will cure everything and she will be happy again. "Hunter if you don't even know what you did, then I can't forgive you and you can't be sorry for it", Mia said back. So I guess my apology didn't work, she definitely wasn't happy. "But I am sorry for whatever it was, I just need you to tell me what it was", I said hoping she will just forgive me for what it was. Instead of answering me she just turned around and left for her flight. 

Damn, what I am going to do. I walked back over to where everyone else was. "Brandon I thought you said that she would listen to me", I said. "I never said that,  I didn't even answer you back about seeing her", Brandon said. "Guys what am I going to do?", I asked. "Hunter how don't you even know what you did?", Cat asked. "I really don't just tell me what it was", I said hoping that she will. "Fine. We were at the same movie as you guys were. And all of you decided to have girls with you, and Hunter you were dating Mia what were you thinking bringing a girl with you when you have a girlfriend?", Cat said not happy with me. 

"I completely forgot about that. But I didn't bring her as a date", I said to Cat. "Hunter just stop lying to me", Cat said. "Hunter we all know it was just tell Cat the truth", Blake said. "Dude I thought you were supposed to have my back on this stuff", I said. "Yeah well not this time, Mia is a good person", Blake said. We all then watched Mia's flight take off and then we got in the Uber and headed back to the hotel. 

We all got out of the Uber and headed to our hotel rooms, once Brandon and I walked into our room mom asked, "Where is Mia? Is she still with Cat in there hotel room?". "Oh you didn't hear?", Brandon asked. "Brandon what are you talking about", mom said. "Well Hunter brought this other girl on a date and that's why Mia and Cat came back early and then Mia stayed with Cat. Then Mia called her mom and told her to get her a flight home as soon as she could, and her flight had just left", Brandon said explaining everything to our mom. "Hunter what were you thinking?", my mom asked. "I don't know", I said and walked out of the hotel room. 

Cat's POV

After I told Hunter what he did wrong and then him trying to lie to me about what happened I decided that I should probably tell Mia about everything. 

Me: Mia I ended up telling Hunter what he did wrong because he wouldn't stop asking
Mia: It's fine, and what did he say?
Me: He tried lying to me saying that it was she wasn't there as his date

Mia: Well we obivously know that was a lie
Me: Yeah and Blake called him out on the lie. Saying that you are too nice of girl to have Hunter lying and trying to go on a date with someone else. So right now Hunter is pretty mad at all of us

Mia: Thank you guys for all sticking up for me, I really appriciate it
Me: No problem, but I will text you in a little bit. Someone is here at hotel room

I put my phone down and went to answer the door. I opened the door and it was Christine. "Hey Christine, are you looking for Brandon?", I asked hoping she wasn't here to ask questions about what just happened. "No Brandon is back at our hotel room, but I'm here to talk to you about what just happened between Hunter and Mia", Christine said.



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