Chapter 5~The end of summer

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We spend all afternoon preparing drinks, decorating the place, selling things and serving the customers...
Somewhere over the evening the rain started and lot of people got inside for a drink and hide from the rain...

I got behind the bar to meet others in the kitchen.. I could see everyone was tired, but still we can't let them lose their moods...
I took a spoon and hit few times in a glass.. "Now that I got your attention, is something i want to ask all of you.. I know was a long not mention a full day, and everyone is tired, but let's do a last effort and give our last hour to clients inside, they all soaking wet, shaking and I can bet is not because of music.. I said smiling at them...
"I'll help you with your work, but we need to change the menu and test the last idea...("Pancakes and warm chocolate cups of rainy days")

" Do you want to change the menu, and how do you expect from us to do it then, we don't even know the receipt.. Said someone from behind and while he get up from the chair crossing his arms and continued.. "That's impossible....

From the other side of room Danny, camed in front and said:

"Didn't you heard when she said will help us? Why don't we give her a chance? In fact any of you didn't camed with a better idea."

Everyone started to wisper seeing them arguing about it..
I rolled my eyes on them and said :
" I don't remember myself forcing you to help.. Just keep your mouth shut and stay there, if you ain't going to help..." I said heading between them straight to stores and look after ingredients.. I get back to kitchen and put them on the table.. Amanda camed with a bowl asking how can she help..
They accepted the idea and we started by organize things..

"Danny, can you take my place on bar until I bake pancakes... The new recipe for chocolate its stick to the coffee table... If you need help tell me... "

Danny: "Sure, I'll go there and take another girl with me, its really full there, and we need help to cover all the area.."

Me: "Sure, ask Amanda.. She knows pretty much things about it, will help you more..."
Amanda works here longer than us, and she's the right hand of miss Gallagher.. She's only 18 but she's smarter than she looks.
Together with Danny made a great team, not mention a cute couple...
I catch myself smiling thinking about them, while helping others with baking, arranging on plates and pouring chocolate in cups and put them on the table behind the bar, so they can take them easily...
Rain stopped after few hours later then was our closing time, still not late for me to enjoy the weekend...
I baked last plates of pancakes for everyone to eat,
"Let's take a moment and eat before going home." I said pointing to the tables.. "Didn't you think I will let you go without giving you somethin' right?
We sat down and eat together, each one talking about how they'll spend the night and other things...
While I took care about closing... I saw Amanda and Danny coming..
"What will you do today?"Amanda asked me...

" I'm going to go home and relax! I said closing the door..

"Why don't you came with us? She asked.. We're going to the music festival...

" She's coming with us !" said Alex clanging her hand behind my neck making me lose my balance for a second..

"It's seems they have other plans.. I'll see you on Monday then, have fun...
I said to them smiling, and heading, or better say dragged to Jason's car..

Couple of hours earlier today, in front of chapel..
Jason part
I watched forward the open window to see Alex sipping onto her coffee as she smirked at something particularly... I guess she seen me..
Me" You're late again Alex, I grinned at her as she looked careless, which makes me frown a little..

Alex:" I had to fix myself, you know I have to look good for my boyfriend.. She said flipping her hair heading to my car...
I pushed the door so she can get inside...
"When will you learn to be punctual? I said shaking my head...
Alex:" Whatever! " she said when she gets inside the car.. "Let's go to before she leaves from work, I didn't called her yet." She puts her seatbelt as I turned on the engine and drive to the cafeteria..
As we get there, something catch my eye.. A pretty girl with a large shirt and blue jeans.. Her hair was tied up onto her head in a pony tail..I saw her profile and I knew is Lori, and she's talking with someone, which makes me frown literally, and little annoyed also...
I mentally slapped myself, why am I think about this... Maybe I'm getting crazy...
"She's there with someone, go faster before she leave.. I said to Alex who was staring at me...
"Ok ok, I'm going.. She said while throwing a glance at them before getting off the car..
" She's pretty gorgeous today, I wonder if she's dating someone.. She said closing the door and heading in her direction...
I waited inside the car, still wondering why am I acting like this now days..
I let out a sight as resting my head on the steering wheel..I think it's because of heat..
I turned on the music and ac until I saw Alex getting back dragging Lori with her..

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