The Offer of a Lifetime

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Okay sorry for not updating for a while. I just felt kinda lazy. And I had no idea what to write. So just please keep on reading and some ideas or encouragement wouldn't hurt.


I just stood there frozen. I mean it wasn't everyday that a big shot like the Demon King would come to visit you.

"Hey," his voice was deep but not very. He was surprisingly young, maybe 21 at most. Wearing a tunic and trousers with a cloak over top didn't make him look too intimidating, but you could see the years of battle experience in his eyes.

"Ummm, hi," I said timidly, making him chuckle.

"May I come in?" He asked. I nod quickly and move aside for him. He sat down on one of my fancy-ish chairs. An awkward silence falls into the room for a minute. Then two. Then half an hour. Well maybe not half an hour that was probably just me.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" I ask in mock snobbishness. He cracked a smile.

"Please no formalities, it gets tiring after a while," I raised an eyebrow.

"If you say so," I flopped down on a nearby couch, another advantage of being the top fighter. You get better and more stuff. Now my room was mostly furniture. "So what brings the Great Demon King to my humble flat?"

"What? I can't welcome the newbie to the top ten?" He asked. I shook my head.


"Are you sure?"


"Are you-"

"Yes I am sure," I cut him off or else this could've gone on all day. He grinned.

"Yeesh just trying to have fun," he said. "So, you gonna take off that mask or is it like a 24/7 kinda thing?"

I forgot I was wearing my mask. I got it as a gift from one of my "sponsors". It was a simple skull mask with razor sharp teeth instead of normal human teeth. With a thick red stripe running from the eyeholes to the edge of the mask so it looked like the mask was crying blood. It was made of two ceramic layers with a steel plating sandwiched in between, giving my face some protection. I quickly take it off, fumbling and dropping the mask making the Demon King stifle a laugh.

I glared at him and he bursts. Clutching his sides and laughing till tears formed. It took him a while but he finally settled down suppressing his laugh to an occasional snort. I smile cause for the first time I've been here it felt like I was making a friend.

"So why do you where the mask?" He suddenly asked all serious compared to a moment ago. I was taken back by this question. To be honest, I never actually thought too hard why I wore it.

"It just feels right," I replied. "Plus it gives me a mysterious look to my name don't ya think?" I add grinning.

"I guess," he shrugged. I was starting to get a tad bit restless and was spinning my mask on my finger.

"So any reason why you're here?" I asked. He lets out a sigh and straightens up with a serious look in his eyes.

"I'm here to give you a deal," he said all business-like and professional. "There's a tag-team tournament coming up and the winners can get a chance at freedom. I want you to be my partner."

I was slightly- actually I was majorly -shocked. The Demon King wanted to partner up with me for a tournament for freedom. The Demon King! I just sat there with my jaw open slightly for a moment, my mask still spinning on my finger.

"Ar-are you sure you want me to be your partner?" I stuttered. "Not maybe the no.2?"

He let out a sigh. "The top 5 aren't allowed to team up with each other."

My mouth formed a small O. "That makes sense, I guess. But why not team up with no.6?"

Devil's Tongue, ranked #6. He was no fighter but he would physiologically break his opponent, crippling them so they could never fight again. You would need a strong mind to stand a chance against him. Though he was built like a twig, skinny and fragile, so anybody could easily break him without trying.

"I would but he's no fighter, plus he seems like the type to betray you at the last moment," the Demon King said casually.

"Alright I'll be your partner then," I grin, holding out my hand. He takes it gratefully.

"Thank god, if you declined i would've been disappointed," he said as he shook my hand. "I guess that'll be all for my business here," he said as he got up. Then gave me a devilish smile. "For now."

I grinned. Then a question came to mind. "What's your name?"

He gave me a confused look so I elaborated. "I know your stage name but not your real one."

He smiled. "Nobody's asked me that in a long time," he said, almost nostalgically. "You can call me Percy Jackson."

Okay so I know this is supposed to be a original story but I couldn't help myself. Don't blame me please.

Till the next chapter,

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HOO all rights go to Rick Riordan

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