A Little Update!

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Hiya there! No, this isn't a chapter, BUT! I'm giving you all a chance to be heard!

So I'll start with that weird picture up top. Since June 18th is Alex Hirsch's birthday, I'm making him a big birthday present! A.K.A. Art! Since that's like the only thing that might get me recognized by him. ;-;

Anyways, I just wanted to show a little teaser for what I had in store! The reason why the top is blank is because well... that's the main attraction. ;) 

Also, you're reading a fanfic on that 'main attraction', so I didn't wanna show anyone yet-

And yeah, I also got TikTok and lowkey hate myself for it, but hEY, I post art on there lmao. My username is sketchingmangos. Please spare my feelings and give me a follow! :)

So I know I just said "I'm giving you all a chance to be heard," and by that I mean... *intense drumrolls*

I'm making the next chapter a big ol' Q&A!!!

You heard me people! And I'm not making any limitations! This means you can ask about me (your precious author-chan UwU), the book, the original book (which I still hate that it existed, but I'll still answer questions!), any of my other books, and if you really want, you can ask for a face reveal!

Make your questions as funny, quirky, or personal as possible! You are NOT limited to a certain number of questions. 

You wanna ask 87 questions? Then you ask 87 questions, my friend. I'm not stopping you.

I will be answering all of the questions on Alex Hirsch's birthday, June 18th. It will essentially be its own chapter.

I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to answer all of them (depending on how many I get), but I will try my diddly darn hardest to.

And don't worry, the next chapter of the book is being written, but it's kind of a hot mess because I'm stupid and keep writing it iN tHe MiDdLe Of ThE nIgHt-

So yeah, it might be a while. That's one of the reasons I'm doing a Q&A. 

I'm also doing this because you guys are literally my favorite fans. Don't get me wrong, the fans for my other books are amazing, too. But honestly, you people are so sweet, so supportive, and I can't thank you all enough. If you ever think that you'll never be noticed by me, then stop thinking that. I read every comment just because you're all so special to me. I'm not crazy popular on Wattpad, but my readers make it all worth it. You really do. 

I may not respond to every comment, but they always make me smile nonetheless.

I really do love you all. You literally mean the world to me.

So ask all your juicy questions below! I'll see you guys again on June 18th!!!

Love, Mango~

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