Chapter 8: Spite and McDonald's Sprite

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Me: *doesn't upload for over a month**chuckles* I'm in danger.

Okay, but I seriously need to apologize to all of you. I have recently been going through some of the worst art/writer's block ever. Like, I've been forcing myself to write and draw so that I stay motivated, and I ended up burning out.

If you want to know how bad my block has been, I just started writing this chapter two nights ago. So I spent over a month wanting to write this, but physically couldn't. I also wasn't able to draw something for this chapter, and I feel really bad about that. I ALSO got a job, so I've been really busy taking shifts so I can afford insurance and a car.

If you want to see more of my content though, I basically live on TikTok and Amino. My username on TikTok is sketchingmangos, and I recently made a video with all of my socials (and I also have a few face reveals ;)) so you can follow me on there! :D

This chapter doesn't actually involve McDonald's Sprite specifically, but I needed a name for a chapter, so now there's a Sprite scene.... welcome to my mental state.

Enjoy this long awaited (and also fan service) chapter! :)

I was well aware that I was dreaming that night.

It might've been the first time I had lucid dreamt. Whatever it was, it chilled me to the core. I was inside of a large building, but it wasn't like any other. It had tall pillars, and everything was constructed out of black brick. The shape of the place was odd, too. I had a feeling I was inside the pyramid from Weirdmaggedon. Scratch that, I knew I was inside that pyramid.

And in the middle of the room, was a structure so large, and so sickening that I wasn't sure if I was seeing it right. The area seemed to be empty, so I had gotten a closer examination. Just as I had feared, I was met with a multitude of frozen humans who had been turned to stone. I recognized many people that I had met this summer, and I knew damn well who was behind this.

Bill. Cipher.

This had to have been a sign. A sign that I needed to distance myself from him as much as possible. He did this to so many innocent civilians, and for what? He had told me that he did it because he was 'mad with power' and because he 'wanted to help the henchmaniacs', but was it worth all of this?!

No. I was done. No more. I don't care if he's changed, because I didn't believe a single word of it. One person -one demon- cannot change that much in the span of a year. He was a monster for doing this!

And I needed to confront him. For good this time.

I sat up in my bed quickly, realizing that I was awake this time. It wasn't a dream anymore. I was hoping that being awake again would ease my nerves, but it only did the opposite. My stomach felt like it was twisted into knots, and my breathing was ragged. I still couldn't believe that Bill had gone to that extent last year... but I was done being flustered over him. I was done falling for a heartless demon that was only created to destroy.

Now that I saw a new perspective of Weirdmaggedon, I knew that he was planning something. And with my luck, he had been using me this entire time. He knew that I was helpless for him; that I wanted to be with him.

Well he has another thing coming now.

"Uhhh, you good bro?"

I jolted out of my thoughts to see my younger siblings giving me weird looks. I tried to act innocent, "What's up?" Mabel cracked a smile, "Dude, we thought you were possessed or something. You just sat up and didn't move!" I nervously laughed,

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