Living With A Bratty Little Cousin - Peej

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You would think that living with younger cousins would be a blast. Teaching them how to do stuff, messing around them, and bonding with them. But no. That's not the case in my house.

You see, living with three younger girl cousins can be fun. They're basically my little sisters that I never had. I have little sisters that can annoy but in a good way. But the downside to this is that  they're sisters, and you know what sisters do? They fight. Like...A lot.

It sucks because I haven't been living with them for long but already I have experienced over 20 arguments in the past nine months. The arguments are really just too cringey and uugghh. 

Don't even get me started on the youngest one. I have to say, she pisses me off the most. Most of the time it isn't even stuff she does to me. Like she is the brattiest brat you'll ever meet. She might be nice and sweet at first, but once she's around her sisters, oh Jeez. She's a little lying brat fiend and she always has her parents believe her instead of her sisters who know the actual truth.

This one time, my cousins were playing minecraft and she started blaming her sisters for something they didn't do. She got my grandma in the feels by crying and blaming them. I really wanted to yell at her so badly.

She also over-exaggerates about the smallest things. This one time, she was playing around while her sisters cleaned up the room they all share. Her sisters were telling her that she needs to help as well, but being the brat she is, she turned and ran out of the room and told their parents that they were yelling at her and they were shoving her to clean. AND HER PARENTS BELIEVED HER. I would hate my parents if that ever happened...

There's a lot more stories to this, but I think this would take up the whole book. I would also need my cousins to tell me stories of when I was not there when their little sister was being a brat. 

Well, this was good to get out of my system. I have my other rants planned out. I rant a lot in my head. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. Well that's it for now I guess.

x| Bad Squishy Peej |x

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