Hard work....SUCKS!!!

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Chapter 3 (Hard work....SUCKS!!!)

Sakura's POV

"Alright here's the list of chores to do for today!" Said Sebastian as he unravelled the paper roll.

I cussed under my breath as it reached down to the floor and still continued to unravel, barely touching the edge of my shoes.

I sat on the lounge chair for a half an hour as Sebastian explained each and every little thing to do.

Finally when finished I sat up grabbed the list, and headed off to do my chores.

First one was to dust off the library books...no biggy.

I followed the map that Sebastian gave me to the house of Phantomhive.

I went down many halls and passed many rooms until I found a two sided door. On top there were engraved words that said 'Library'.

I entered inside and found myself surrounded by books. The shelves reached to the very top of the ceiling. I gaped at how many there were, then reminded myself that I was a demon and I could survive this!

In seconds I grabbed a latter, brought it to the far end of one shelf and crawled to the top to start dusting. Within thirty seconds I finished dusting five book shelves and with immense speed rushed to the next one when all of a sudden I heard small footsteps heading this way. I slowed down, went up on the latter and started dusting off one book at a time as fast as a human could possibly do!

The doors opened revealing Ciel as he strolled in clearly not noticing me in the room. He approached a desk filled with papers and a book. He sighed as he began to read.

I continued to dust, from time to time I would glance at him from the corner of my eye.

Five minutes later finishing the top shelf, I came down to the next one, the latter creaked and Ciel nearly dropped the book he was holding. He spun his head in my direction and blushed.

Why on earth was he blushing?

"I didn't know anyone was in here." He said quietly.

"Surprise!" I replied sarcastically.

Scratching his head, he went back to reading his book, but obviously was not really paying attention to it.

I continued to dust and by this time I was pissed off! I wanted to get this job done but he was in here!

"How are you liking the mansion?" Ciel said disrupting my thoughts.

I turned my gaze to him and nodded.

Obviously this was not what he was expecting as a reply. I wasn't even making small talk with him. I was basically ignoring him!

I glanced seeing his somber expression. I sighed then stopped dusting to get off the latter.

I leaned on his desk and his eyes narrowed.

"What'you reading?" I asked casually.

"Romeoandjuliet" he mumbled.

I remember hearing that story from somewhere but couldn't exactly remember where...

"Is it about that girl that pretended to die because she loved him and then he died because he thought she was dead?" I asked.

He nodded, the blush coming once again to his cheek.

"Star-crossed lovers story" I uttered quietly.

"Yes, it is."

He cleared his throat then stood up, grabbing the book on the desk.

"Well, I'll see you around!"

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