Pet Names and All (Speedy18)

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"Person A and B are together, and slowly but surely they start calling each other cute nicknames and neither notices until one of their friends brings it up. (It would be written from the perspective of a friend.)"

...idk what this is, so bear with me on this.

(Speedy18, like I said before.)


*~*Hovas POV*~*

It started off slow, a word here, a name there. G18 was the one to start first.

"Bye love!" He had responded to Speedy as he said goodnight. I had been confused, When did this start? But it hadn't... Not yet anyway. What I had witnessed there, was the beginning of something... Well, something adorable.

Speedy began soon after, calling G all sorts of names, eventually seeming to settle on his top 3 for the younger man.

You would hear them interchanged constantly, from "Hey there Princess" to "How did you sleep last night darlin'?". His final one was brought out whenever he wanted to make G blush. "Cutie".

They called each other these things every once and a while, then every week, every day, until finally they seemed to be the only names they knew for each other, blocking out all others when in each others presence.

It took over, clouding their minds with a haze of love and affection, even when they lived so far away. The best part was, I don't think they even noticed until D4 brought it up one day in a Skype call.

"Why do you keep calling him that?!" He shouted into his mic, not understanding his friends actions towards each other. While he knew they were dating, and he accepted them (Hell he was dating D20), it just didn't seem to click. Why did they use those darn pet names!?

Speedy halted mid sentence.  He was silent for a few beats, before responding with, "What do you mean? Keep calling who, what?"

D20 spoke up next. "I think what he meant to say is that you guys have been using using pet names a lot for each other these days, and he just isn't used to that."

"What do you mean? I don't think we've ever used pet names, right Lo- oh..." G trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Uh, yeah... Oh... We didn't even notice... I guess it was just normal for us." He cleared his throat, "I mean, why wouldn't I wanna call you something distinctive? I love you, after all, Princess."

I could practically hear G18 blush, "Uh, y-yeah, I love you too."

Side let out a giggle, he must have been holding in, and cooed "Awww..."

Shadow grumbled and told Side that if he ever starts using pet names for him that he would make him sleep on the floor.

That broke the tension in the call, and suddenly we were all laughing, but I could see that G and Speedy had left the call, and I knew that they would be alright.

*a few months later*

The pet names hadn't stopped, and neither had the teasing, but everyone smiled and clapped when Speedy proposed to his "Darlin'" at PaxEast, in front of 10,000 people.

G could only cry on their wedding day as he said "I Do" and kissed his "Lovely", before laughing and kissing him again.

And we could only watch as Speedy and G walked back down that aisle, straight towards their new lives together. Pet names, and all.


Okay, so that was actually kinda cute. Not quite how I thought it would turn out, but I'm happy with it.

A very big thanks to d4wasframed, for without them, I wouldn't have thought of this prompt at all. So yeah, go read their stuff, its better than mine is.

Thanks for reading!

Jason, out!

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