Seems Fair Enough (SideBeatz)

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"I can't sing for shit, I just joined choir so I could talk to you" AU


D4 IS A TENOR 1 (higher tenor range [Grouped with Side and Shadow]) TOO, D20 IS A BARITONE 1 (higher baritone range), G IS A TENOR 1 (Kinda compared more to a Mezzo female. He doesn't fit with any of the male ranges [even with the tenor 1s] so the director grouped him with the girls [I know it wouldn't actually happen, but in this it did okay?]), HOVA IS A FULL ON BASS 1 (More in the lower ranges of baritone, high ranges of bass), JOEL IS A BARI 2 (Average Baritone range), AND SPEEDY IS A TENOR 2 (Within average range) (THEY'RE THE ONLY ONES IN A NON-MEZZO VOCAL RANGE LOL).

Yeah I sing myself, so while I may have to do some research as I don't sing choir, I do know quite a bit. Yeah. Moving on.



*~*Shadows POV*~*

I walked meekly into the choir room, listening to the different voices run through their exercises. I approached the teacher and handed him my sign up sheet, and he grinned saying "Glad to have you on board! Do you know what your range is?"

I shook my head no, and he gestured for me to follow him to the piano. "We'll start at middle C, and work our way down. Go as low as you can without straining your voice. Okay?" I nodded, and wiped my hands on my jeans. I could feel the stares of shock on my back. I didn't blame them. I was not the type of guy you would expect to find in choir.

To put it bluntly, I was a skater. I ditched class, mixed my own music, and rode my long board around town. I had a few friends within this club, but I had always hated on them for being quote unquote "Fucking Choir Nerds". I still attended their shows, and sat in the very back, only to sneak out during the standing ovations they almost always received.

The teacher played the first note, and I opened my mouth and softly matched pitch. I had never sang in front of others, and to say I was nervous was an understatement to say the least.

He told me to be louder, and replayed the note. I took a deep breath and raised my voice, the sound coming out raspy and even. I sound like a 50 year old smoker. I cringe.

The teacher just carries on, and we followed the noted down until we reached my straining point. We went back a few notes to E3 and marked that down as my lowest note.

We repeated the process up the scale to F5, and he complimented me on my range. According to him, it was quite varied for someone without any singing history. I smiled and thanked him.

He told me I was a Tenor 1, and called over the exact reason why I joined this stupid club. Albi Dragusha(1).

I gulped, and listened as the teacher tells me how Albi is in the same range, just off by a note or two, so he will be the one to work with me as far as practices were concerned.

Albi smiled at me as the teacher left, and brought me over to his little station. He grabbed another music stand and began talking me through what practices were like, and what the schedule was. I knew the schedule due to my friends who I could see scattered across the room working in little groups.

G was standing with a group of girls who were running through their parts together with him, and looking very serious about it too.

D20 was closer to Joel's group, and talking with D4, who seemed to be glancing over at me and Albi often.

Joel was standing with a group of guys who I recognized as the baritones, who were right beside Hova, who was standing between them and the Basses.

We were beside Speedy and the tenors, who made up the harmony of the choir along with G and his Mezzo-Alto/Alto range, even though I know he was technically supposed to be with us.

The sopranos were left untouched by the guys and were off in their own corner, split into two smaller groups, and made up entirely of females.

I noticed D4 getting shoved in our direction by D20, and he made his way over to us, calling out "Hey Side!" To Albi.

I figured this must be a nickname, like Shadow was for me, rather than my real name of William. Side grinned and made to introduce us when Deluxe interrupted him by saying "Hey Shadow, what are you doing here? I thought you hated singing around other living organisms."

He had a smirk on his face, and he told Albi that he was going to get more water before grabbing his bottle and leaving the room. I had tensed my shoulders, and Albi, or Side as he seemed to prefer, turned to me with a confused look.

"You hate singing?" His voice was soft and dorky just in the way he talked. I couldn't help but look at his mouth when he did, my eyes flashing back up to his eyes afterwards.

"Uh, yeah." I mumbled and shrugged, scuffing my shoe against the floor.

"Then why did you join if you hate it?" He asked, still confused.

I mumbled out an answer that just sounded like random sounds. He sighed and gave me a look. I took a breath and repeated myself.

"I... I wanted to talk to you..." I murmured, still barely audible, but enough for him to understand.

He seemed shocked, "Why would you want to do that?"

"I think you're kinda cute and you have a really pretty voice...?" I looked up at him sheepishly.

He blushed prettily. "O-oh... So you have a crush on me?"

I nodded, the back of my neck and the tips of my ears getting hot. I continued to scuff my shoe on the ground, waiting for him to laugh at me.

"I think your kinda cute too... I've seen you come to our shows, and I've been wondering who you were. I think your dedication to come see us is really sweet." He giggled, and stuck his hands in his pockets.

I jerked my head up and met his eyes, shocked by his unexpected answer. He giggled again, and I couldn't help but smile a bit.

I heard Hova yell from across the room "Just kiss him, and get to practicing already!!"

Side giggled, something I was starting to realize was common, and moved a bit closer. I bit my lip before whispering "Fuck it" and grabbing the back of his neck, and the collar of his shirt to kiss him. His arms wrapped around my waist and his head tilted down and to the left.

The room was cheering and I heard the teacher just start flipping through papers on the piano, keeping his back to us so he wouldn't have to break up apart.

The kiss was soft and slow, his lips moving against mine leisurely. We pulled away after a few seconds, and lent our foreheads together.

"So? Wanna be my... boyfriend?" He giggled softly.

"Only if you're mine."


Finally, I had gotten the one I had pined over for months. And he had gotten me.

Seems fair enough.


-_- I don't actually like this one all that much. Idk why... but whatever. I hope its kinda cute.

1: I just looked up Albanian last names and this one sounded cool. It isn't actually his last name I don't think. If it is, I just got EXTREMELY lucky.

Jason, out.

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