Life Is A Party

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When rainbow dash woke up again, she looked up and saw pinkie pie smiling at her. "Looks like the sleepy head is awake!" Pinkie pie cheered. "But... I've been going too easy on you, and now, it's time to go harder." Pinkie pie got a chainsaw from behind her at the weapons table, and began to cut off both of rainbow dash's wings. "AAAGGHHHHHHH!!!!" Rainbow dash screamed with pain. "Your wings are so beautiful Dashie!" Pinkie pie smiled and walked over to this "outfit" she was making out of all the victims she's killed. Pinkie then added rainbow dash's cutie mark to the dress part, and she then added the wings to the back. Pinkie pie slipped it on and asked "How do I look?" Posing. "YOU MONSTER!!!" Rainbow dash yelled. Pinkie pie asked "Oh? You don't like it? Maybe we're missing something then!" Pinkie pie walked over to rainbow dash and started cutting off her hooves. "PINKIE!!!... Stop, please... I never did anything to you... Why are you doing this to me?" Rainbow dash cried. "Dashie, your the main ingredient to my cupcakes! I need your organs, blood, skin, cutie marks, wings, hair, head, heart, and bones!" Pinkie pie said. "Now let me make my cupcakes!" Pinkie pie then began to cut off Rainbow dash's head. "AHHHHHH!!!" Rainbow screamed. Her head then fell to the floor, blood gushing everywhere. Pinkie pie giggled. "Dashie, you make great cupcakes." Pinkie pie grabbed Rainbow's head and placed it on the wall where the rest of the ponies heads were. Pinkie pie then took out all of rainbow dash's bones, organs, blood, skin, etc. and threw it in a bowl. "Time to make cupcakes!" Pinkie cheered happily, and walked upstairs to the kitchen carrying the bowl.

CupcakesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant