Chapter 4;

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Season 2 Episode 16-20

Amelia's POV

Waking up the next morning, I feel a pair of muscular arms around my waist. Kelly starts tossing and turning, waking up as he places kisses along my cheek down to my neck. "Mm, morning babe," I smile, my eyes fluttering open.

"Morning, baby. I've gotta get to work," Kelly tells me as he places a sloppy kiss on my cheek before getting up, holding his junk as he goes to the shower, grabbing a towel on his way. Sighing, I slip on one of Kelly's shirts, feeling my stomach churn. Rushing into the bathroom, the steam from the shower engulfs me as I quickly move Kelly's towel, lifting the toilet seat before emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

"Mia, are you okay?" Kelly asks moving the shower curtain aside, watching me throw up. "I'm fine," I start to say before throwing up again. Hearing the shower turn off, Kelly gets out, wrapping the towel around his waist. "You don't look too sure you're okay?" Kelly questions while rubbing my lower back soothingly. "I'm okay...seriously," I sigh, flushing the toilet before getting up to brush my teeth. "I'm probably going to call off work today if you want me to bring lunch to the house?" I ask Kelly as he gets dressed, rinsing my mouth out with water. Kelly's left clothes and extra work clothes here. "Sounds great. The new candidate isn't very skilled in the cooking department," Kelly jokes making me laugh. "Don't be mean. But I should be there by noon, is that okay?" I ask him, getting dressed myself seeing it was about 8 o'clock right now.

"Okay, I'll see you soon," Kelly says before kissing me, "I love you," He mumbles into the kiss making me sigh. "I love you too," Kelly grins at me before leaving.


So I ended up making enchiladas, rice, different toppings for the tortillas, and dessert, chocolate-filled churros.

"Shit," I curse after putting everything into containers, seeing it's almost noon. I slip my coat and shoes on, grab my bag, keys, and phone, carrying the containers filled with food to my car, setting them in the trunk. Starting the car, I drive to the firehouse, mentally cursing myself for losing track of time. I pull up to the side of the road, stepping out of the car, I move to the trunk to get the food out.

Upon entering the garage, I see Kelly and the rest of the squad sitting at their table. "Come on fellas, I've got food," I yell, sending a wink in Kelly's direction as I hear their footsteps from behind me.

Walking into the common room, I hear talking. "Guys, you don't need to spare my feelings," A new woman's voice says. Must be the new candidate. "It's uh...not bad," Otis says poking at his food. "Hey, guys!" I watch as they all turn their heads to look at me. "Mia!" They all cheer as I walk into the kitchen to set down the containers. "So your Lieutenant over there," I nod my head in Kelly's direction, seeing him smirk at me, "didn't know if the new candidate could cook or not," I turn to the new woman, Jones, I think it was. Gabby had warned me about her in her class. "No offense," I tell her with a sheepish smile, "so he asked me to bring backups,"  I say as I take the lids off the containers, the smell wafting up my nose and making me want to puke.

I push the feeling aside as they all scatter to get up, cheering as they wait by me, waiting to be served. "So I've got enchiladas, rice, tortillas with meat, cheese, and beans to go with it," I inform them about what I brought, laughing as they groan in approval, "and for dessert, I made a new recipe. Chocolate-filled churros," I point at Gabby laughing, knowing how much she loves churros.

"You are a gift from God," Otis tells me, placing a large kiss on my cheek, making me giggle as I start piling the food onto their plates. Each one after Otis kisses me on the cheek as a thank you. Gabby rubbing my arm while Shay slaps my butt making me gasp before laughing, watching as they all sit down, before chowing down. "Mmm," Herman moans after taking a bite of food. "Aye Lieutenant, can Mia cook for the house more often?" Herman asks Kelly after chewing his food. "I'd love to but I also have a business to run," I say earning groans of disappointment. "But I can give you some recipes," I say looking at Peter as he gives me a thumbs up in agreement.

Love On FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora