Chapter One

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Her Sacrifice

Chapter One

I really hope you like!!


I sat on the white marble island bench, in the middle of the assignment’s kitchen. Legs crossed with the folder containing all the information I needed resting on top. The front page contained the name of my assignment, which I skipped over. Beside it was a picture of a middle aged women with mousy brown hair and a crooked nose, she smiled up at me. The next pages contained pictures of the women shaking hands with another man wearing a suit with short black hair, a man I had only killed yesterday. The next pages contained documents showing bank statements, phone records and dialog from bugs which had been hidden in her apartment.

I read all the pages skipping over the details that told me of any personal information, I already knew what the pages were going to say but had to make sure. The current assignment had been making deals with the guy I had killed yesterday, he had been mafia, she was low on money, they made a deal, and through her business he shipped drugs, guns and other weapons. Of course she didn’t ask and he didn’t tell. She turned a blind eye every week, for a weekly payment of 200,000 dollars, while innocent people died and were harmed.

A noise of a key turning in a lock jolted me back to reality. I let the folder in the middle of the marble island bench and turned off the torch in which I had been using to read. I slipped off the bench and walked towards the wall in which the door that opened to the kitchen was set in. Standing against the wall beside the doorway I waited.

I heard the door open, could see the light, which was switched on in the hallway, then the sound of the door closing. Soon afterwards the assignment shouted out. “I’m home” Immediately after the sentence echoed through the house a set of footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. “Finally I was starting doubt if you were coming home” Said a voice from only a bear two meters away. I slowly pulled out my knife which I held in a thigh holder.

“Sorry I was caught up at home.” My assignment said.

“No problem he’s asleep upstairs, no problem at all. Well I better be off. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodbye Carol.” The last word sent shivers. I never wanted to learn names faces were enough.

“Thank you so much, well I’ll see you tomorrow.” I heard more footsteps leading away and the door being opened again. The only problem with that sentence, was that it was wrong. Carol didn’t know that yet, but it was wrong she would never see the other person again.

I heard the door close and Carol muttering, as she walked towards the doorway in which I stood next to. As trained I made minimal noise and movement. Even if Carol noticed me, the only indication she would have, that I wasn’t a statue, would be the small movement in which my chest made while breathing.

Carol walked straight past me with out realizing I was only a meter away. She switched on the lights and threw her keys onto the island bench. Where they landed neatly, next to my folder, which she did notice. Moving towards the bench she eyed the folder suspiciously.

Finally after what seemed like 10minutes Carol got the courage to open the folder. The first page made a gasp escape her lips. This was the page that held her photo and name. The next pages created more gasps and the look of horror on her face. After deciding that she might die of shock, defiantly if she got to the last pages.

I moved forward my feet bushing on the ground as to not make a noise. Soon I was right behind her and she still hadn’t noticed. I moved my arm up which held my knife and brought it to the side of neck but not touching. Unconsciously she felt my presence, as her hand went to her neck, her hand millimeters away from my knife. The moment her hand went back to the folder I struck, moving my arm quickly pressing the sharp edge of the knife against her pale neck.

Carol made a whimper as she jerked but that only made my knife dig in harder. “Shhh” I whispered in her ear my lips millimeter away from her ear making her whimper.

“Please don’t, I have a son.” She whimpered begging me.

“I’m sure your son will miss you, but that’s not my problem.” I whispered.

Bringing my knife away from her neck, she gasped in relief, but before she could make another sound, I brought my arm back and struck the knife in her back. In a way that would be quick and painless for her. She crumpled to the ground blood pooling around her in a instant. With out realizing it I was using my training to notice details which I wished I didn’t.

Like the fact that she had a engagement ring on, a diamond with emeralds either side, that her nails looked as if they chewed on them, that her eyes were a deep blue reminding me of the ocean, but they were also lifeless, there was a tear line running down her cheek and in her eyelashes was a teardrop caught the last emotion that would be seen on her face.

I stopped myself before I took in the rest of her, stooping down close to Carol I placed my thumb on her fore head. Police would call this a calling sign, maybe that sort of thing was true for others but not for me. I placed my fingerprint on all my assignments foreheads, so that the cops wouldn’t have to waste time looking for a killer, instead they knew it was me, I had made trips to the police station on purpose many times.

I also grabbed the folder from the white marble island bench and placed it next to her, of course away to where any blood would reach. I did this so as to alert the police on what she had done, therapists might so this was me trying to justify my actions but again it wasn’t the case I would rather the police knew what she did then think she was some harmless, innocent victim.

Next I picked up Carol’s home phone and rang the police telling them that they would find a body at Carol’s address as always the answerer tried to get my name and as always I hung up.

I had to speed up now for the cops would be fast, trying to catch me. Calling the police was also a habit of mine, as I didn’t want the body to be left for someone else to find. In this case I didn’t want Carol’s son to walk in, early in the morning expecting to find his mum cooking breakfast, but instead finding her lying dead on the floor, forgotten.

There was a door in the kitchen, which led directly into the garden this was my escape root, before leaving I turned off the light. I closed the side door as quietly as possible, but wasn’t as lucky with the fly screen door as it banged loudly. Placing the retrieved bloody knife from Carol’s back in my thigh holder, I walked steadily down the street and around the corner keeping my head down and sticking close to the shadows from trees and fences. Around the corner was one of my most beloved objects my motorbike. Grabbing my helmet from the back container, I put it on placing the visor shut, so if any CTV cameras caught me they would see no face, only the fake plates in which I switched every time I had an assignment.

I could now hear sirens in the distance with one last look over my shoulder towards Carol’s house; I buried it all trapping the memories with all the others. The sirens were slowly becoming louder. Jumping on the bike, I quickly started it up and with out another thought I sped off in the direction I didn’t want to go but had to.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2011 ⏰

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