|Part II|

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"Hey Youngji, won't you stop that right now?"
"Opppaa! What're you doing here? This is the girl that tried to flirt with you, isn't it?"

I came back to my senses and opened my eyes. I saw Baekhyun. 

"No, she did not flirt with me. Go back to class."
Baekhyun replied.
"Anii!!! I can't leave you alone with her! I wanna be with you, Baekkiee ~" YoungJi said trying to do aegyo.
Baekhyun ignored her and helped me up. 
He walked me to the nurse and kept on staring at me like a weirdo. O.O

"Um..Why're u staring at me like that" I asked.
Then suddenly, he reached his hand out to touch my face. I slapped his hand away.
"Ya! Keep your hands to yourself!" I told him.
"Like I would ever want to touch you. You can go to the nurse by yourself now, can't you? You're such a baby." He said to me.

Somehow.. those words sounded very familiar to me...

I was about to argue back, then he went the other way.
Ughhhh. Soo annoying.

The nurse gave me some ice packs and told me to go home for now. She told me she'll tell my teacher that I was going home early.

While I was walking home, I felt as if someone was following me. I didn't want to look back to see who it was, so I ran quickly to my house.
I went inside the house and heard my parents arguing.... again.
"Im home" I said.
They didn't even notice me. But it's ok. I'm used to it... I guess.
I went upstairs to my bedroom and got out my earphones and listened to music.
About 10 min later or so, my mom came in my room. 
"Come down to eat," She said looking mad.
How did she know I was home? ._.

I was sooo hungry and glad it was time to eat.
As I sat down to eat, my dad said,
"Why're you home?"
"Oh. Because there were these girls and-" I got cut off.
"Because of you, we're having these problems. We should've stayed in America but, you decided to find that guy. Just go away and never come back." My dad said.
"Dad.....These three girls were trying to hur-"
"I said to go away! Listen to your father!!" My dad yelled.

I looked at my mom. Usually, at a time like this when my dad yells at me, she tells him to stop... but this time, she didn't.
I started to tear up... I quickly got my shoes and ran out the house while tears were coming down my face.
I ran as far as my leg could take me. I ran far away from home.
I saw a bench and I sat down and cried.

I was cold. Very cold. I didn't even bring a jacket or anything. I was also hungry since I didn't eat in school or in the house. 

I put my head inside between my legs, hoping I'll get warmer.
Then, I felt someone tap me on my head.
I looked up and he was there. Byun Baekhyun.

I tried to hide my crying face and hoped he would go away.
He then, gave me a jacket which was very warm.
I don't know why but just him standing near me seems familiar to me. Like I've known him before...

"Thanks" I mumbled.

He sat down beside me. For a long time, there was silence. 
Then, he said, "Sorry about what YoungJi did to you today.."
"Oh.. It's ok but... do you really like her? I mean- today, it doesn't seem like you like her because of the way you talked to her.." I said.
"No.. I don't really like her. I'm just dating her to forget about someone. But, what happened to you?" He asked.
"Family problems." I replied back.
I just met him today, (Author's Note: Or so she thinks) but I felt really comfortable speaking to him. I don't know why.

I held my stomach and pretended I was in pain. 
"Yah.. What's wrong" He asked looking worried.
"Im....hungry" I said laughing at his face for falling into my joke.
"Ya! You already told me you were never going to pull that prank on me again!" He said laughing.
I was confused.
"I never told you that...." I said looking confused.
He lost his smile and his face turned back to normal.
"Um.. let's just go get you some food." He said.

He bought the food for me and we sat at a table and ate.
I asked, "Why're you soo nice to me right now"
"To repay back about what YoungJi did to you" He replied.
"I heard from people that you went to America and came back. Why exactly did you come back?" He then asked.
"I'm here to search for someone. He was a guy who looks very similar to you, except he was much nicer.. no offense." I said. 
Suddenly, I coughed and coughed over and over again. I felt very sick and cold. 
Baekhyun touched my forehead. 
"Yah! Your head is really hot. Are you sick??" 
"I'm okay... just a little sick." I said weakly.
"Let's go back to your home." He said.
"No.. I dont wanna go there!" 

Then my eyes started to close and everything turned black.
The last thing I felt was someone carrying me in their back.

Hope you enjoyed reading this and please give me reviews.
Thankkss for reading

When Love Changes U (EXO Baekhyun)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz