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* I do not own any rights to the name or story of Teen Wolf, all rights belong to MTV. However, the story besides that is in fact coming from myself so please do not steal it. Thank you. *

Warning about this book, it will most likely contain sexual content. I will post warnings before each chapter that includes it. There will be swearing in this, so be prepared for that as well.

The pounding on my door was consistent, almost like a pulse. After listening to the drumming on my front door, I finally decided to get up from my bed and finally confront the knocker.

As I walked down the stairs I could already see through the glass who it was. Daniel.

"MIA! What the hell took you so long? I had almost thought you would never answer in time?"

Before I continue with this, let me introduce you to my bestfriend. Daniel Cass. 19 year old tv show obsessed idiot who I also have known practically all of my life. AND before you even get started about if we have any sort of relationship, we don't. Why, you may ask? Well Daniel over here is not exactly my type, and well, I'm not his either. So, what I'm trying to say is, he is gay.

You cannot get any gay-er, if that is even a word, than Dan. Boy obsessed since before I found out boys did not have cooties. So, now that you have been introduced, let's continue.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I just woke up from a nap and forgot to set an alarm. God bless your soul Daniel or else, God forbid, I would have never woken up." I exaggerated, not even trying to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

"Yes, I know. I'm amazing." He didn't wait for me to say anything else, instead he welcomed himself into my home slipping off his shoes and placing them in their usual spot.

"So, did you forget what day it is, or do I have to remind you?" He said, as he jumped over the couch and comfortably positioned himself, throwing the pillows off one by one.

"Hm... yes, apparently whatever is so important enough for you to barge into my home, I have forgotten about. So, please enlighten me."

"You have got to be kidding me?"

"Will you just tell me, I hate when you lead with a question. You need to learn to get straight to the point, I haven't got all night!" Sarcasm, again, sneaking it's way out of my mouth.

"Teen Wolf! I cannot believe you could have forgotten! And this is why I am a better match for Stiles Stilinski than you ever will be."

"Slow down there, cowboy, I believe Stiles is very straight and very into girls, use that line if Jeff ever decides to turn him. But that sentence is never allowed again until I see him making out with Mason."

"Woah, girl got sass!"

"Damn right." I quickly went into the kitchen grabbing me and Dan's usual Teen Wolf snack. Popcorn and Rootbeer, of course. It will never be a Teen Wolf night unless me and Daniel are on the couch shoving popcorn down our throats and then washing it down with Rootbeer. We repeat this once every week, and it will never get old.

When the microwave finally decided that every kernel in the bag was popped, I grabbed the bags and the bottles of Rootbeer and headed back into the living room, slower than usual, just to mentally prepare myself for tonight's episode.

"Ready?" He said, as I positioned everything, which took a solid two minutes.

"Ready as I'll ever be..." And with that, Dan pressed play.

*Approximately 1 Hour Later*

The room was silent, me and Daniel sat there for awhile before we both exploded. It went a little like this...

"PARRISH... AND LYDIA... AND MASON.... AND SCOTT..." This went on basically talking about every character in the episode. We gossiped about the episode for a good hour until we were speechless, again.

"So, would you like to do me the honor in accompanying me tonight to a sleepover? Seasons 1-2 of Teen Wolf just came in the mail yesterday!" I asked, not even trying to hide excitement in my voice.

"Well, that's a hard question. Would I rather sleep at my bestfriend's house who I love so very much...?"

I cut him off. "You never compliment me... spill what your other option is now or I will never answer to the banging on my door anymore."

"Ok, Mia, before you get mad, please don't be mad." I didn't even know what to expect from him at this point. "I sort of have a thing... this thing in particular is something I've been keeping from you for awhile now." Even though I had not a clue as to what he would say next, I could feel tears creating a thin sheet across my eyelid just thinking about possibilities.

"I'm packing."

"Ok... are you going on vacation? What are you doing?"

"A vacation... sort of... not really? You can look at it like that, but if you do you're missing a word. Permanent."

"So, you're moving."

"If you put it like that... yes."

I had not a clue what to do. I just sat there, so many questions jumbling that I wanted to ask but I couldn't think of which one to ask first. So instead, they all came rolling out.

"Where? Why? When? Why did you keep this a secret from me? How long have you been planning on moving?" So many more were inside of me but he slowed me down, answering each one.

"California. Because I need a new start. I leave in two days, I didn't want you worrying, and this has been planned since I knew I was interested in penis." I gave him a look. "What? L.A. has cute guys and you and I both know it."

We talked for hours upon hours about the future and how much is going to change, he mentioned a few times of me coming with him. But I couldn't drop everything right now and leave. I didn't have enough money for the L.A. lifestyle, didn't even have enough money to live on my own here!

He ended up staying the night, which I most likely would have never talked to him again if he hadn't. We spent the rest of the night rewatching the first few seasons of Teen Wolf and before we knew it, the sun was rising.

Ok, guys, so I know it's kind of slow right now but I want this to be a pretty long book. I'm going to try to write many chapters at once because I am the WORST at keeping up with writing on here. I already know where I want this book to go, so it shouldn't be hard. But if you guys have suggestions on where it should go definitely tell me and I'll consider! Thank you guys so much for reading!

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