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I packed practically my whole wardrobe, throwing everything into the suitcase. I wanted to get to the airport as quickly as possible, I couldn't spend another second away from seeing him.

Upon arriving at the airport, I got a notification of Dan facetiming me. I answered, trying to keep suspicions low. Luckily, I had enough time to stay in the car and chat.

We finally got off the phone, and it seemed like he had no clue as to my plans of visiting him. Khylin had known in advance about my stay, and said it would be fine if I took the spare bedroom.

After a whole day of traveling, I had major jet lag. But I couldn't let that stop me from being overly joyed with seeing Dan. Another thing to be overly joyed about was meeting Khylin's co-workers, or, the cast of Teen Wolf. He promised me he would introduce me, knowing I was a fan of the show.

The uber I called was waiting for me at the airport and the journey to their apartment had begun. I texted Khylin the code word, and the plan was in full throttle.

The uber driver finally pulled up to the apartments, I paused a moment, taking in the beautiful L.A. scenary, and being able to see them. When I got my luggage out, the uber had pulled off and I was just about to enter when I suddenly felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

The name 'Khylin Rhambo' popped up and I immediately answered.

"Hey!" I said

"Hey, listen I completely forgot that you were coming today! I know it's crazy, but work has been hectic trying to film a lot of the last scenes to finish up the season. So, right now, Dan isn't home but, neither am I. Actually Dylan and Tyler are over the house right now so they should be able to let you in. Now, I gotta run! I'll see you later! Have fun!"

Before I could say anything else he hung up. I was so nervous. First, and foremost, I would have to be alone with Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien, aka the loves of my life since the start of the show. Second, I had no idea when either of them would be home. I let myself think for a minute, before finally going up to the apartment.

A man was at the elevator and held it for me. He was pretty cute, and I must say, quite a gentlemen for that one nice gesture of holding the door for me. I was not even in L.A. for an hour and I was already in love... with the city. The man's floor had come and he got out, turning back around and winking at me, I looked down, trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

When the ding of the elevator stopped my thoughts, I slowly walked down the hall repeating the number '324' in my mind, reading each number on the apartment doors. I had finally found their's and I was hesitant to knocking the door. I mean, how do you casually say hello to the loves of your life without breaking down at some point? How did Dan do it?

Right when I had clenched my fists about to knock, I suddenly jolted back, noticing the door swing open. I heard laughter, and suddenly became face to face with Tyler Posey, himself.

"Oh... Hi." He said. I still remained in shock, just now taking my fist back to my side.

"Hello." I said, trying to regain control of my shaky voice.

"Um... you must me Mia! Dan's friend, right?" I nodded, still trying to gain composure as he just said my bestfriend's name... and mine! "Ok, well, I'm Tyler! I was actually just going downstairs to get some pizza, wanna join me? I can have Dylan put your bags in the apartment."

I had to think about the offer, but I realized that if he had even tried to make any moves I would panic. "Um... actually I was gonna just stay up here and get myself familiarized with the place... if that's ok!" I laughed nervously, "I am staying here for awhile so..."

"Oh, yeah, of course but yeah we ordered pizza so I'm just gonna go run and get it. Dylan!" He yelled. "Mia's here! Show her around or something, I'm gonna go get the pizza!"

With that, he disappeared down the hallway and I was left, still in shock. I grabbed my suitcases and strolled them in. I left them by the door and began to walk around the apartment. It was quite stunning, very modern, just Dan's style. And an amazing view of the city! I walked towards the window and admired the view until I realized someone was talking behind me.

"Hey! My name's Dylan! Beautiful, right?"

"What?" I said.

"The view. It's damn beautiful. I tried to get myself an apartment up here but I haven't viewed any that compare to their view."

I laughed, "Yeah, I always pictured Dan living somewhere like this. He always hated the Ohio views." I can't believe I was able to speak normally.

"Yeah, Dan doesn't seem like the type to live in a small town."

"Oh, really?" I said. "He lived in a small town all his life, maybe it doesn't seem like it, but all his life. Guess I raised him right." I got a laugh out of that. Just as he was about to say something else, Tyler re-entered the apartment with a box of pizza, the beautiful smell filling my nostrils.

"You guys hungry? I guess I can share if I have to."

"Yeah, Pose, looks like you're stuck sharing." Dylan teased.

After they dug in, I was still admiring the view. Every so often I would tug down my sundress, I was always insecure about my legs, even thought I went to my personal trainer everyday. Most people would consider me fit, but I always saw room for improvement.

"Hey, Mia, are you hungry?"

"Actually, yes, but if you guys aren't up to sharing I can make do without." I chuckled.

"No, no, come on down! We should really get to know eachother. You'll be spending a long time here and we are always here. So... tell us about yourself."

After I finished chewing my first bite of pizza, I started telling them about my childhood. For some reason, they seemed amazed. I had always thought my life to be boring, especially compared to someone like theirs. I told them how me and Daniel became friends, the good old story of when he was assigned my valentine in 1st grade.

He told me he would have rather gotten assigned to Parker Walsh, and I told him the same thing. From then on out, we were bestfriends. We always took interest in the same guys and we were inseparable.

"Well, sounds like a really great friendship." Dylan said. Tyler was busy shoving his face with more buffalo chicken pizza to answer.

My phone began to vibrate again and Khylin's name popped up.

"Hey, so Dan just texted me and he just got done with work. I won't be home for another few hours so you're gonna have to have the guys help you. He's about 45 minutes away so be ready. If you need to, text him and tell him to have him call you when he gets home. He also doesn't know the guys are at the house so make sure everything is off."

"Ok, I'll text him now! See you later Khylin!"

"Oh, shit, I was supposed to meet up with Sprayberry for lunch, dude. I gotta go but I'll see you guys later!" And with that, Tyler was out the door.

Being left alone in a room with Dylan O'Brien was always a dream of mine, and here we were. This should be good.

Alright guys, what did you think of this one? Leave it in the comments! What do you think is gonna happen with Mia and Dylan alone waiting for Dan?

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