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The two days I had left with Daniel slowly passed and it was time to say our goodbyes. I had spent the past couple days helping him pack and doing other things I would sadly not be able to do with him anymore.

"I can't believe you're leaving me here." I said, pouting my lips purposefully.

"As I have told you many times, you can either come with me and not be lame. Or, you can visit me anytime you want. Anyone who has been here since before I found out men were what I needed in life, is a friend who is always welcome." I smiled, but it quickly faded.

Over the past couple days I also highly considered going with him. I weighed the pros and cons of it and most of it pointed to pros, but the fact that I could think of more than one con was the reason my ass was staying here in Ohio.

Of course, I had offered to drive him to the airport, so we shoved every last suitcase of his into my Jeep Cherokee, and headed off. The road trip there was fun, but depressing at times. We flickered through each radio station until Dan decided to take the aux cord and play his throwback spotify playlist.

With "Kiss Me Thru The Phone," by Soulja Boy playing on high in the background, everything in the world seemed good. It was almost as if I didn't have to say goodbye to my bestfriend in a matter of moments. As my thoughts were wandering the music suddenly stopped. Dan was getting a call and he quickly acted on the call, giving me no time to look at the contact.

"Hey." He answered, keeping his voice down, which was odd because he would have normally put any call on speaker in front of me. I was able to hear parts of the muffled conversation, mostly consisting of "babe," or "yeah I'm going to the airport now," and other nonchalant flirting. After he hung up the music began playing again, and he slyly turned it up.

I turned it down, reacting to the suspicions I was having. "Who was that?" I asked.

"No one." He replied, all too quick.

"Yeah, I don't believe that for a second. I heard the flirt in your voice, and I could see it in your body language. You always do that thing where you rub your thumb against anything when you flirt. I know you like the back of my hand, now start talking or I will make you miss your flight." I said, giving a light jerk on the brake, to prove my point.

"Fine! So... there's this... guy."

"Uh-huh, a guy... keep talkin'."

"So... this guy. He might be the reason I'm moving." He looked at me, waiting for one of my snarky comments, but I just nodded, waiting to hear more about this mystery boy who had decided taking my best friend away from me was a good idea. "... So, he lives in California. And... now please don't freak out I really don't want to get into an accident... his name is Khylin." I had no idea what to do or say.

"Khylin? As in Khylin Rhambo? As in Khylin Rambo who also plays Mason in our favorite tv show otherwise known as Teen Wolf?" He sat quiet. I almost felt like the person sitting next to me was a stranger! Here I am driving my bestfriend to an airport, that I just found out he would be going to two days ago, who also happens to be dating a person from my favorite tv show.

"Mia! Please do not freak out right now, I've been keeping this a secret because I knew it would be such a shock! Now, just keep driving and act like I'm not about to go see my boyfriend in California... who also happens to be an actor in our favorite tv show... DAMN AM I A LUCKY MAN."

"So, how long has this 'love affair' been going on?"

"Well, we met online. I was doing my usual Tinder work, nothing abnormal. Then I get a new message, and it says 'Hey, I like Teen Wolf too.' because how could it be a Daniel Cass profile without me somewhere including my love for Teen Wolf?" I nodded approvingly. "So, we began talking and at first I didn't know it was him because he had been using a fake picture, to not draw attention, of course. Then, I asked to skype him and he told me everything. It was quite a shock at first, and quite frankly, I still haven't gotten used to it."

With that, we talked more about his boyfriend and how the idea came up about him moving out to L.A. so they could pursue a future together. I couldn't help but hide my jealousy. How could I not be jealous?

After everything, we arrived at the airport. We left early because we knew how hard it would be to say goodbye. After finally unhinging myself from him, I wiped away his tears. We were both hysterical. I knew it was for the best, I mean how could I ever expect Dan, out of all people, to stay in Ohio? We finally said our final goodbyes and I watched as he walked through security, and disappeared.

Weeks passed by and we still talked everyday. I had met Khylin on facetime many times and he was perfect for Dan. I could see, now, how they had hit it off.

However, Dan's birthday was coming up and I wanted to surprise him by flying out to California and staying for a whole month. I had racked up so many vacation days at work, so I had enough to go, and still get paid. It had cost me many hours of overtime, but all worth it.

The day had finally come to fly out and see Danny boy, and I just couldn't wait to see him.

Oooh what's gonna happen next?? I'm writing a lot of chapters one after the other so hopefully you guys don't have to wait too long for me to upload new ones. Hope you guys are enjoying so far!

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