Chapter 19 The Curse?

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Ethan's POV

We survived. Now let's find where Mike put his watch last time. There it is.

"Yes of course. It is that watch. Now what are you going to do?"

"Hmm... Maybe I should throw it away from here. Far away if can."

"That's good idea one. But where will you throw it?"

"There's forest not far from here. I will throw it there."

"Okay. By the way, tomorrow your parent will come back here isn't it?"


So now Mike and I go having a breakfast. After that we go take a bath as usual.

So Mike and I plan to throw it away this night at the nearby forest. By the way what is the forest name. I think bout it. Oh yes it is Rachiara Forest. We decided to throw it away at night at around 8pm where there's not crowd at that time. Ok now I will take a nap. Before I took a nap, I saw Mike was looking on his watch. It seems he is thinking bout it. I walk toward Mike and I asked him "What's wrong? It is alright, you can get a new one." Mike answered "No it is not about that, I just don't get it." "What do you mean?" I asked back. "What makes this watch lures those demons here?". I suggest that we will find out on the internet. What is this watch brand? I'm curious. I looking at that watch. I found nothing. Wait I saw mes** word there. Mike opened his laptop and search it. It was meson. Never heard of that. We checking the identity. It was a person name. He was found killed in his home. But the cops didn't find out who had killed him. I suggest Mike, instead throwing the watch in the forest, why don't we destroy the watch into pieces and then throw it in forest. Mike reply that it was better idea than that. Ok so we have decided to throw it away in forest, but before that we destroy the watch. After we had lunch we sleep for about 9 hours cause last night we didn't sleep, as usual. We plan to do it at around 10 pm. Before we slept, Mike set his alarm at the destination time, that is 9 pm.

We then throw it away during about 10pm after we had slept . So right after that, we drove to the nearby forest that is called Rachiara forest. Then throw it there but before that, we destroyed the watch first.

Mike's POV

(Mike wake up first then...)
What time is it now.... Why my alarm clock doesn't work.....
Oh shot.....
It's 11:45pm already..... Why the alarm clock doesn't work.....

Ah I have no time for that. I got to wake up Ethan now. After Ethan had waken up, I told him that it was 11:45 pm already. Ethan was shock. But it is not time for that now. Quickly, I destroyed the watch into pieces. Ethan said that there is no time for that. I quickly take that watch and drove quickly to that forest. After we arrived there we throw it away. Just after we had thrown it there and about to get in the car. I heard a sound from the back and there I with Ethan saw a guy. We just standing there and watch it carefully to figure out who is it. We watch closely. I suddenly realize one thing. Don't tell me it is demons. I take a look at watch it show 00:06 am. It is demons! That guy walking toward us. I told Ethan that it is the demon. We turned back, headed to my car. But we can't. There's Snowmon behind us and Grey demon. We surround. Ethan was trying to find a way to get out of here..... oh no what should we do now..... I don't wanna die here....

To be continue....

Next chapter will be the last maybe.

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