Did God Make Man?

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Did god make man, or man make god?
Perhaps we'll never know.
He's just a myth. He can't exist.
The scientists tell us so.
But who are they to lecture us?
They're men, like you and me.
Did god make man, or man make god?
We'll just have to wait and see.

Did man make god, or god make man?
Are the priests and bishops right?
Is there a soothing presence
watching over me at night?
Or is god just a fairy tale
to make the world less frightening?
A 21st century counterpart
to a savage's prayer to lightning.

Did man make god, or did in fact
a god create us all.
We tiny, fearful mortals
so easily we fall.
I don't believe. There is no god
no divine master plan.
just a crutch to help some through their life.
Man... was made by man.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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