Chapter 3

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Today the boys wanted to go to this new Karaoke club downtown. I decided I would go since I have nothing better to do. I get dress in a nice silver dress along with the other things the boys bought me. I insisted that they didn't, but like always they don't listen to me. I braided my hair so it wouldn't be in the way, smart move because if I gotta fight I don't want no chick pulling my hair. I don't know why but I feel like singing tonight. Maybe I'll sing with the guys like old times. Just as I applied my last touch of lip gloss to my lips my doorbell rang. The guys were here. I invited Kelontae so he could hang with people his own age. When I walked out I got a response I wasn't expecting.

Jacob : Dang girl, dressing up like that for

Issa : Go change, nope I'm not letting you were that

Jaquees : Man chill, she just tryna look good

Trevor : Yes papa bear

We all laughted. When I got in the car I seen four girls all fixing their makeup.

They all had on these black dresses

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They all had on these black dresses. I waved hi and the shortest one spoke.
(Their Outfits)

Lindsey : You must be Ciara

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Lindsey : You must be Ciara. How are you

Ciara : Good

Lindsey : I'm Lindsey

Keke : I'm Ketara, but I go by Keke

Latocha : I'm Latocha

Natalie : I'm Natalie

Ciara : Nice to meet you all, y'all sing

Jaquees : Do they sing, hell yea

Lindsey : We are a group. We heard about your audition. I really wish you would have made it. But hopefully we could sing together tonight

Ciara : I don't see why not

Latocha : OK, then you will sing lead

Keke : Yes

Natalie : Thank god

Ciara : I guess

I was getting nervous. So I sat back and listened to the conversation the boys were having about which girl would beat the champ at the club. I wonder who the champ is.

When we walked in Sasha and her peeps were on the stage singing. It sounded good actually. I got a little nervous. When we got a table Dig came in and greeted us. Lindsey instantly started blushing, wow she is a big flirt. After what seemed like forever, Sasha stopped singing. She then did the unthinkable.

Sasha : There is someone here that thinks they sing better than me. She even bought a bunch of has been divas with her. But hey we all cant be as good as me.

I instantly got angry. I walked up their and the boys followed.

Ciara : I know we sound better than that

Sasha : Prove it

The band leader asked for a song. But before I could answer Jacob asked of they could play. When Jacob got on the piano he started playing a song we created the final week before they left, Lions Tigers and bears. When the music started I don't know what took over me, but I started singing with some force. Instantly the club went up. The girls were screaming our names. It felt like we were kids again. Kelontae recorded the whole thing.

When we finished Sasha came and grabbed the mic. When I went to attack her, the girls pulled me saying it wasn't worth it. Everyone was telling me how good I was,but I was too mad. We dropped the girls off at their hotel, then we took Kelontae and Diggy home. After they left Issa, Jacob, Trevor, Jaquees, and me went to the tree house. I changed into some night clothes and walked out the bathroom.

Issa : Hey, we spending the night. I forgot my clothes

The other boys : Me too

Ciara : Well I still have your clothes from 7 years ago

They all looked at me and laughed. I went to the closet and threw them the clothes.

Issa : Ciara, I am way to big for these clothes, literally

Jaquees : Why did you even keep these

Ciara : It was all I had left, you guys wore them the night before you left. I wanted to keep that memory

Trevor : Wow, that almost made me cry

Jacob : OK so how about we put these clothes on, and we have a slumber party like we did for Ciara's 6st birthday party

Boys : Yes

Ciara : Well I'll get the games ready

Issa : Whatever

While the boys got ready, I looked out the window and replayed the scene at the club. I really miss singing like that. If only I could be a star. I didn't realize I was being watched until Jacob called me.

Ciara : Huh

Jacob : You good

Ciara : Never better

Trevor : So, miss I don't sing like that. That was amazing, even better than 7 years ago

Jaquees : Really did, girl I almost passed out on those drums

Issa : Yea, maybe we can get you another audition. Maybe this time--

Ciara : No. I-. Let's play a game

We decided to play no, a game only I won. These memories are the best. Hopefully they won't left me behind this time when they leave. But I'll enjoy the moments we share now

Ciara : Uno, Uno out

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