Chapter 3.

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*The Next Day* 

I peered out of my window, to find an unfamiliar car parked in my drive way. It looked like Michael's car, I ran down the stairs with my bag and kissed my dads cheek as I ran out of the door, "Morning boys," I smiled as I hopped in the car next to Calum.  

I looked at Calum who looked at me and giggled, I raised my eyebrow and laughed a bit too. "How was last night, Jade?" Calum asked me, sniggering. 

Michael and Ashton turned to look at me, "Why?"  

"You almost kissed Luke," Calum blurted out shortly after I asked. Luke sighed and mouthed and 'I'm sorry' to me through the mirror. "How was it?" 

"Note how you said 'almost', Mr Hood." I laughed, although..I did feel the butterflies in my stomach and my heart beat faster than usual.  

"Why didn't you two kiss by the way?" I felt as if Michael was trying to make it awkward, whereas Ashton really couldn't care less. He was sat next to Calum with his headphones in and tapping his drumsticks on his knees, "You didn't want to?" I shook my head, quickly. "Neighbours caught you?" I shook my head again, "Dad?" Luke and I looked at Michael as we parked in a space outside of school, we nodded without hesitation making everyone, but Ashton laugh. 

"It was like that when Abbie and I had our first kiss, my mum kept coming into the garden offering us drinks and food and stuff," Michael said, hopping out of the car. "I didn't turn it down, obviously." 

"Hm, don't feel too bad about it Lukey." Calum teased him as we clambered out of the car, "I'm sure it'll happen again soon," Calum teased as him, Michael and Ashton walked ahead of us. He turned back and made a heart hand at us whilst we talked together, laughing. Luke blushed and stared at the ground, making me do the same; added with uncontrollable laughs. 

*Luke's POV* 

"Tonight," I stated, Jade looked at me and smiled. 

"Tonight what?" Her accent giving me the chills as I went bright red, again.

Note to self; stop blushing. 

"Michael has this table booked at this really nice restaurant, for him and Abbie; but she's away, I also booked a movie. How d-do you fancy coming w-with me?".I stuttered, my heart was going at a thousand miles an hour. I felt myself shake, I was a very shy boy who was nervous most of the time; especially around a girl I'm starting to like.  

When I say 'like' I mean 'like', in that way. 

"Sure, why not Hemmo." Jade smiled, putting her hair up in a rough ponytail, letting it fall at her shoulders. We approached the doors leading us to school, I held the door open. "It'll be fun." 

"Cool, I'll pick you up at 6. Then, maybe after come back to ours?" I asked, I never had this much confidence; apart from when I was performing with Calum, Ashton and Michael. "Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, keep your hair that like too..I-I like it," I smiled as we walked off our separate ways to forms.  

"Okay, see you in English."  

I felt relieved, I felt..ecstatic with myself. I was so happy with myself, finding my confidence at last. 

Maybe I'll get that kiss tonight too, or is this all moving too fast? I've known her almost 2 weeks, I kept questioning myself whether I was moving too fast. 

*In form* 

"You look happy," Michael raised his eyebrow and smiled. I sat down in the seat beside Calum and whipped out my phone from my pocket. "Hello.." I snapped out of my trance and snapped my head to look at Michael.  

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