Chapter 5: Bumpy ride

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Chapter 5:

Looking out the window of the train everything was a green blur as we sped through the Irish countryside. A lot like my mind which was also a blur after listening to Fergal for the past few hours.

While everything he said made sense it just seemed so unbelievable to think that there was a whole race living alongside us without us noticing. As the trees and fields flew past I looked over at Fergal to where he appeared to be sleeping curled up into a ball on the seat.

Talking to him for the past few hours I figured he’s an all right sort of a guy. Extremely strange but alright at the same time.

He seemed to think that I was the answer to all their prayers, Jesus, Barrack Obama and Gandhi all rolled into one. It sounds so simple, travel to Cork, pick up a girl called Emer, convince her of the fact that demons exist then get her to come with you to Newgrange and cast a spell to save the world…..Ya this might take a bit of work.

With my mind still reeling from the enormity of it all, I glanced round the carriage trying to calm down. It was pretty standard with wood paneling and plastic seats with just enough cushions to stop your arse falling off after a long journey.

In the corner Fergal let out a huge snore making me laugh. Strange to hear such a loud noise coming out of such a small fellow. That spell he cast really took it out of him earlier when he killed that Colie. He said that to kill a beast requires a lot of magic which he hasn’t used in such a long time.

 Apparently magic is like running, if you don’t exercise for a long time then try and run you won’t get very far but it you practice every day then you will be able to run for miles without stopping. Since there hasn’t been any demons to fight in the last thousand years the faeries had only been using their magic for minor purposes such as healing and rituals.

The magic is also dependant on people’s belief in their powers. Belief is the well from which the magic springs and while some people have carried on the tradition over the years and practiced the old faith they are far and few between.

Suddenly feeling cramped I badly need to stretch my legs. Sitting in a train for the past three hours was not fun and there was still three hours to go, we were only getting near to limerick now about half way on the trip.

So far no call from my dad anyway just a few texts from my friends wondering what happened that I wasn’t at school. I just told them I got bored and took an early weekend. Sliding open the carriage door I looked up and down the hallway. A purple carpet lined the ground in both directions with doors all along the way.

 Seeing a sign for the dining cart on the wall my mind was quickly made up where I was going. All that running around today had given me a huge appetite. Almost as if it could sense food getting nearer my stomach started rumbling. “Shhh il get you lots of food very soon don’t worry stomach”. As I made my way towards the dining carriage I noticed how quiet the hall was. There was no sign of another living person in this part of the train.

Getting a bit nervous now I speeded up my walk glancing into all the carriages as I went passed. Still nothing. Was there anyone else on this train? Hearing a noise behind me I spun around;

“Anybody there” but looking back along the path I had just taken their was nobody there. Listening as hard as I could all I could make out now was that distinctive rumble a train makes as it flies along the bumpy tracks. Satisfied there was no one there I turned and started walking towards my destination again.

“BANG”. I definatly wasn’t imagining it this time, not waiting to see what was making the noise behind me I put on a burst of pace and ran forward like my life depended on it. Who knows maybe it does.

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