The boyfriend problem

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Marks pov

My wife never told me she had a boyfriend...I can deal with him. I was shorter then him, but only by a little though. I went on my tippy toes and grabbed his shirt collar, I pulled it a bit "don't mess with me" he pulled off "after school, gym doors" him and his crew walked off. I thought in my head I know how to get rid of him this will be easy.

Your pov

It was the end of the day, every one was saying my boyfriend Jack (septic eye) was in a fight with my stalker. So I wanted to see it. I got to where it was being held, I saw them both, My boyfriend looked hot. He walked over to me "hey babe, this is a private one. You got to step this one out" I smiled and grabbed his junk "I'll see you after then daddy~" I walked of with my best friend.

Marks pov

This was it...time to make my move. I looked at the knife I was hiding in my pants and covered it with my shirt. I turned around. He was right there. Jack looked down at me "well. Let's get this settled" he said in his stupid Irish accent. I saw him raise his fists, I raised mine as well. He swung at me, but I blocked and hit him to the ground. At that moment, I made my move. A sat on his stomach and pulled my knife out. I held it to his neck "look, we can do this the easy way o-" he hit me square in the face. I pulled back but came strait back forward. The knife was in his neck. I stood up, grabbed my bag (stool his house key) and walked home to my apartment.

{313 words}
{ok more parts coming asap}

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