Ch 5

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(3rd POV)
"Y/N why are you talking to yourself?" Daryl asks Y/N with a confused face. Y/N shook her head in confusion, "oh uh sorry I sometimes sleep with my eyes open and sleep talk" she said standing up and shifting from one foot to another. "Okay? Wanna start training Lucy and Mathew how to fight?!" Daryl ask a bit to excited. "Ya come on!" Y/N said running outside, grabbing two guns. "We're gonna start them with guns first?" Daryl asks confused, bringing out a confused Lucy and Mathew. "Well ya before a bagillion zombies come!" Y/N said twirling a gun, "my dad used to be in the army so I kinda know how to use guns, how bout you?" Y/N asked. "Eh I prefer crossbows," Daryl says holding up his crossbow. "So do I but you find more guns and ammo than crossbows," Y/N said pouting. Daryl put his hands up in surrender.

He walked over to a tree and carved an O with an X in the middle with his pocket knife. "Okay so Lucy and Mat have to shoot the X or anywhere in the circle," Daryl said. Y/N nodded and handed Lucy a gun and showed her how to aim. "Lucy keep trying till you get it okay?" She told Lucy. Lucy nodded, struggling to hold the heavy gun and shook in fear. She held the gun up and pulled the trigger. She missed the circle by an inch. "Ooh so close, keep trying," Y/N. Lucy nodded and shot again, this time she missed the circle by five inches.

Y/N sighed than held Lucy's hand and showed her how to aim. "N/N it's really hard to aim since its heavy," Lucy whined. "I know Lucy but you'll get used to the weight in while, but for now just keep practicing, okay?" Y/N said smiling at her younger sister. Lucy nodded and put on a determined face. Y/N stood out of the way and watched as Lucy kept shooting getting closer to the target till she ran out of bullets. "Lucy I'm going to show you how to reload the gun,"Y/N said and grabbed the small gun from Lucy.

She showed her how to do it, saying the steps out loud, than watched as Lucy did the same. "Good job Lucy!" Y/N exclaimed. "Hey, it's getting dark, we should head inside!" Daryl shouted as he walked over with Mathew.

Y/N nodded, "Matt, Lucy go inside with Daryl and try to get some sleep, I'll take first watch!" Y/N ordered and they nodded. Y/N watched as they headed inside. Y/N grabbed her fathers old shotgun from the porch and stood by the large gates, waiting to shoot any threat that came by.

(Three months later)

"N/N Lyric won't stop crying!" Shouted Matt from inside the house. Y/N sighed and put her basket full of apples and oranges down than ran into the house. She opened the door to the small bedroom and saw Isaac sitting on the ground laughing as he watched Mathew try to hush Lyric. Y/N chuckled and took Lyric from Mathew and held her till she stopped crying.

"Matt go outside and finish picking the fruits than you can train with Lucy and Daryl," y/n said and Mathew nodded walking outside. Y/N looked down at Lyric and rocked her back and forth till she fell to sleep. Isaac babbled and looked up at Y/N as she placed Lyric on the small crib they found in the attic. "Come on Isaac let's go outside," she said as she lifted Isaac up. "Gah gah, bad bad boom, no!" Isaac screeched as they got close to the door. "What's wrong Isaac?" Y/N asked worriedly.

Isaac began to cry when suddenly two men barged through the front door and shoved Y/N to the ground, along with Isaac. Y/N gasped as she looked up at the two men. "Isaac go back with Lyric now!" She shouted as Isaac got up and ran back up the stairs. The two men towered over Y/N and chuckled. "I think the Governor  will like her," said one man.

He was frail and had short spiked up blonde hair. "I agree, she's a pretty one. I bet she can't even defend herself!" Chuckled the other. He was more meatier than the blonde and had brown long hair tied in a ponytail.

Y/n growled and reached her back pocket for her small hand gun. She pulled it out and jumped to her feet. The two men burst out laughing. She growled. "She won't do it, watch," the pony tail said. This angered her and she pointed the gun as his head and pulled the trigger. The blonde watched as his friend fell to the ground with a hole in his forehead.

He looked at Y/N and growled than ran towards her. She pulled the trigger again and shot the man in the chest than again in the head. She put the gun away and ran up the stairs to her siblings, leaving the two dead bodies behind. She picked up Lucy and Isaac and held them in both her arms and ran downstairs.

She walked out the backdoor and saw Daryl surrounded by men and Lucy and Mathew being held by their wrist. Suddenly two men from behind grabbed her while two others men took Lyric and Isaac away from her. The two began crying.

"No! GIVE THEM BACK! Give them back now!" She shouted as she struggled to get out of their grip as tears streamed down her face. The men grabbed Daryl and put him in their truck along with all her siblings. "STOP! GIVE THEM BACK NOW!" She shouted as she ran out the men's grasp and ran towards the truck. The truck began to drive away and Y/N chased after them. "DARYL! WATCH OVER THEM! DON'T LET THEM GET HURT! I'LL FIND YOU GUYS SOON!" She shouted as the truck sped away, spewing dirt in her face.

Y/N fell to her knees and felt more tears falling. She wiped them away and began heading back to the house. She pulled out a large black backpack she had saved and stuffed as much food and water in it. She rolled up a couple of clothing and shoved it in her backpack.

She grabbed about six small hand guns and thirty packs of ammo and shoved it in her bag. She pulled over a black hoodie and put her fathers hand gun in her hoodie pocket. "They know what I look like, I'll be an easy target than," she mumbled.

She grabbed a small pocket knife and chopped off her hair leaving it in choppy layers and only covering half her neck and her once long bangs now fell over her eyes but not completely covering then. She grabbed a small black bandanna and tied is around her mouth only showing her eyes and nose.

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She stuffed the pocket knife in her black jeans and grabbed her crossbow and two machetes and walked out the building, swinging the backpack over her shoulder

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She stuffed the pocket knife in her black jeans and grabbed her crossbow and two machetes and walked out the building, swinging the backpack over her shoulder. "Governor, I'm coming for you, and when I do, your gonna pay with your life!" She mumbled and began running off into the woods.

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