Soccer Practice

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"UGHHHH!" You kick the ball in frustration.
"Why did mom sign me up for this crap?!?! It sucks!" You say making your brother turn to you.
"Shutup (f/n). Mom signed you up for this to follow our whole line of family. Now shutup and play with the ball so you can get better and make mom proud!!" Your brother sais to you as he kicks the ball to you.
You pick the ball up and go on a bench near the lake. You start twirling the ball on your fingers. Till someone approaches you. You don't bother to look up.
"H-hey (f/n)..."
You recognized that voice.
"Uhm..(f/n)? You alright..?"
"O-oh... Yeah.... I'm fine" that moment you look up to see his eyes. Oh my. It's (c/f/n) (c/l/n). The most hottest guy in the school. The most popular as well. You were a goodie-tooshooes. Which everyone thought was stupid. 
"So... What brings you to the park?" You ask trying not to stutter
"Well.. I was having a stroll until I was stopped by someone so graceful" he said with dream in his eyes.
You wondered who it was. It could be your friend Olivia which is graceful in soccer and in everything she does. Or it could be Makena that sucks at soccer but good for goally. You out your head down but remebe he's still there so you prop your head back up.
"O-oh... Who do you think is graceful..?" Trying not to say hurt
"W-well... She's standing right in front of me." He sais scratching he back of his head
Long awkward pause
"U-uh.. Forget o said anything (f/n)." He said a little hurt while walking away.
You grab his arm.
"U-uhm...(c/f/n)... Does that mean you like me..?" You say being clueless
"Y-yah. I was wondering if you feel the same about me...." He said looking straight into your vulnerable eyes
"Y-yes (c/f/n)... I do like you..." You say smiling a but till he put his hand on your check and pulled you in for a kiss. It was sweet and not rough. It was your first kiss and I think he found that out 2 seconds later. The kiss showed how much he loved you. You kissed him back with the same amount of love.
You both backed away

You and (c/f/n)  looked into each others eyes.

You both said

"I love you"

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