Chapter 1

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Brad, Connor, Tristan, and James just got back from the movies. Tons of fans are surrounding them. Brad decides to his apartment while the boys go out to lunch. Meanwhile Brad gets bored and goes to park for peace and quiet. He saw a girl who has long hazelnut hair and chocolate brown eyes and decides to talk to her.

Brad: Hello.
Girl: Um.. Hi.
Brad: How are you today?
Girl: Good, but do I know you?
Brad: I mean you should.
Girl: Your probably in my biology class.
Brad: No I'm in a band... The Vamps.
Girl: I'm sorry it doesn't ring a bell.
~Brad thinks this girl is perfect for him.
Brad: Well let's start off with your name.
Girl: My name is Alexa
Brad: Well Alexa how about coming over to my place.
Alexa: No way! I don't even know if your a crazy man!
Brad: That's up to you to decide.
Alexa: Uh Huh..
~Darn! She's probably not into me!~
Brad: Well can I at least get your number?
Alexa: Sure
Brad: Thank you! Shall we meet again Alexa?
Alexa: If I'm free I guess
Brad: Ok I'll call you, Bye!
Alexa: Bye.

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