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Demure: Shy and reserved.

 To see Leo play basketball shouldn't have been a shocker to Ana. Even though it was well into the night and most students were sleeping in their dorms to get some early rest before the school day the next day.

She had meant to call out his name or at least a simple 'hey' - what she hadn't meant to do was draw negative attention to herself. But as fate would have it, she tripped over her shoelace and fell onto her hands and knees, with a loud yelp and scraped herself on the pavement. She quickly scrambled up with a pathetic attempt to keep her dignity intact and picked her fallen iPod off the floor. The fall had ripped her old jeans, but other than that she was unscathed. She patted herself down to wipe off imaginary dust.

But in the midst of all this commotion, she had failed to realize the slap of the basketball against the concrete had stopped, because the boy who had been dribbling it was jogging up to meet her.

"Are you okay?" Leo called.

"Yeah," she brushed a hand through her hair and looked at anywhere but him to play it cool. 

"Ana?" As he neared, she could see the sweat seeping through his shirt and the way his hair stuck to his glistening forehead. 

"The one and only," she tried not to let her embarrassment get the best of her and instead flashed Leo a wide grin.

"What are you doing out so late?" His voice wasn't accusatory, just curious.

"Studying," Ana said nonchalantly as she hitched her backpack higher up her shoulder.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

Just as Ana was about to say no, she decided against it as spending time with Leo was genuinely nice. Plus, their campus was a little creepy at night.

"Sure," she said instead.

Leo jogged back after saying something along the lines of packing his stuff (and maybe something about hygiene, but Ana wasn't so sure she heard that part correctly) and left her to follow.

Whilst his back was turned to pack his stuff, she picked the basketball off the ground and tossed it from hand to hand. She bit the inside of her cheek and with one last sparing glance to make sure Leo wasn't looking, she shot the ball towards the hoop.

Swoosh. The sound was incredibly satisfying and Ana let out a soft yes before retrieving the ball. She did two more shots - as well as one miss. 

"Not bad," the sound of Leo's voice made Ana jump and she mentally scolded herself for not paying better attention.

Much to her comfort, Leo's tone wasn't mocking and his grin went from ear to ear - the kind that very few things besides basketball could give him. Ana eased up and laughed quietly.

"Thanks," she said, "but I've seen you play and your way better." 

Leo shook his head modestly and swung his foot so that it scraped against the rubble. "Not really."

She let out a sound of disbelief. "MVP," she stated, "four years in a row."

Leo looked up as if surprised she knew this information and then  scratched the stubble that was beginning to form along his jaw.

"I could teach you some tricks if you like," he offered while gesturing to the basketball.

"Sounds awesome," her eyes twinkled, "but first, you have to get the ball." And just like that, the atmosphere switched to one where doubt evaporated into a playful game.

Ana's hand started to dribble the ball as she inched toward the hoop and slipped her bag off both her shoulders. Leo's lips began to stretch into a smile as he spread his arms and stepped towards her. He took a shot at trying to snatch the ball but her hand had already passed it behind her back to keep it farther away from him. Her face was in a full-fledged smile and she began to run towards the basketball hoop.

Leo's feet carried him a lot faster than hers did so it didn't take long for his body to block her path. Nonetheless, she tried her best to keep possession by dribbling the other way. Eventually, when Leo finally grasped the ball, she snatched it back, hugged it to her chest and sat down on the ground with the ball in her lap.

"Give me the ball," Leo said quietly.

"No," she whispered back.

"Give me the ball or," he stopped with his hands outstretched, "I'll tickle you."

She shot him a glare. "You wouldn't."

"Watch me."

Leo's hands launched to her sides and Ana's fits of laughter were instantaneous. Her grip on the ball loosened. As soon as it was out of her reach, Leo held it up in the air like a trophy. 

"You cheated," Ana objected as she lifted herself off the ground.

Leo rose his eyebrows. "And you didn't?"

Instead of answering, she said "want to teach me those tricks?"

He smiled. "I can teach you how to shoot."

Ana mocked offense. "I made three shots."

"By pure luck," Leo grinned.

Ana smacked his shoulder, but he was already standing behind while handing her the ball. Leo placed his hands on top of hers and positioned one of Ana's towards the bottom of the ball and she could feel his calloused fingers emit heat onto her colder ones. 

"You get more accuracy like this," his voice was low and Ana could feel his breath next to her ear. He continued to offer her advice, but it was getting harder and harder to concentrate.

Her heart was thumping loudly and he found it miraculous how he couldn't hear it. 

"And shoot," he instructed. She followed through with the shot. If this had been a movie, it would've been a clean shot or one that caused an immense amount of suspense for the audience. But whether it was her nerves or his, the shot went straight for the head board and bounced back to Ana's chest.

"Maybe next time," she started to bounce the ball again but Leo stayed silent. Even as Ana said it, those words seem to hold a greater value just words this time, they seemed like a promise.

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