Snowflakes (I Think I Fell In Love With You #1)

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Hi! So this is something new I'm trying. Its a short story kind of thing told from a guy's POV about him falling in love with a girl. As you can see, this is number one, so definitely look out for more!


I think I fell in love with you when I was watching you dance in the snow with your friends. Your hair was hidden underneath a beanie and your jacket was far too big on you. But oh, the way you danced. Like the snowflakes were notes from a guitar, gifted from the sky. You danced like you were in your bedroom and not a college campus. Your steps left imprints on the ground that were much deeper than your just your footsteps. Ice melted at your fingertips because warmth radiated off of you even in the coldest of nights. Freckles peaked through your scarf like sprinkles of sunshine permanently etched in your features. You smiled up at the sky as if to thank them.

I used to hate the heat. But not after I met you.

I'm not sure why a girl so full of summer would ever go along with the cold the way you do. You taught me that contrast can bring out our brightest parts if we let it. Being surrounded by difference is not always bad.

I wanted so badly to stay next you and encompass you in my arms. But I was scared because this light that you emitted might drain onto me and then you wouldn't be as bright. I would taint the aura that you had. It was not my place to be at your side. You needed someone who could match their stars with yours.

I could never be that person because the only star that filled my skies was you. Where you brought experiences and smiles wherever you went, I only ever carried a single thing with me. It was my love for you. It was all I had, and it such a radiant thing that I would never trade it for anything else in the world.

You know how when you stare at the sun too long, you see spots in your vision even after you look away? That's what it was like with you. Even after you were long gone and I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling, I still saw you. I still felt that tingly sensation that ran right down to my toes. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, and I hope you know that.

I wish I was a cool breeze that could compliment your summer heat, but I am not. I am the snow you play with but can never quite grasp. Because we can never coexist - I am the winter that is always chasing you as you run into fall. But those fleeting moments of spring between us, they are the sweetest form of nectar I have ever had.

I know I am selfish for wanting you. I am naive to think that you would ever look twice at me but I can not help it. There are so many planets orbiting you but all I can see is you, you, you. I do not care if by getting too close I will get burnt. I'd rather turn to ashes then to never bee near you again. 

There are bodies of water between that were created by me. I sent blizzards to get your attention but they melted before they could reach you. I should have just approached you. But now, if I try, I will be drowned in my own regrets. There are monsters in those waters that are protecting you by keeping you away from me. I listen to them because they speak to the smallest parts of me but get louder until they are all I hear. I care too much about you to let myself get close to you, but I care too much about myself to let you go.

I hope you find somebody who will watch you wake up in the morning and realize that it brings the same feelings as watching a sunrise. That is how much power you have - you can make things begin without even trying. But I also hope that that person helps see that you need to rest, that it is not healthy to shine in all hours of the day. To not waste yourself on people who will never appreciate it.

It amazes me how people will complain about their ice cream melting instead of appreciating the fact they are not encompassed in darkness. I wish you would leave those people. They tell you that you are too optimistic but there is nothing wrong with lighting a flame in a dark room. People simply find it hard to understand perspectives they have never heard of before.

I know that someday I will no longer think about you. Either because I have melted away for getting too close to you or because I have finally accepted my cold fate. But I hope that before that happens, we connect. That there is a moment where you are not too hot nor am I too cold. Where we have both diluted and can finally be near each other. But I am not sure if I were to let that happen because even fire would go out if there was too much snow. And I would never want to burn you out.

You have such rosy cheeks and I hope that never changes. That they stay as pink as your lips so that when you smile, your warmth is on full display. I hope the light in your eyes never dies out and that it gives fire to the desire inside of you. Not everyone will appreciate you, but the ones who will will most definitely never forget you. You leave a mark behind, but not through burning people. You leave a mark behind by leaving sun-kissed memories. By running through their hair so that you will always be on their mind. You are powerful, radiant and beautiful. Don't ever forget that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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