Chapter 29

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Angelo was waiting for me to wake up

" Rosie get dressed fast, something happened to Derek."

Before he could finish is sentence I ran to the bathroom to throw up. This was disgusting. I hate leaning over a toilet full of germs.

Angelo joined me in the bathroom

"You okay ??"'He seemed concerned

"Yeah im fine, just a little hangover." I lied, but it was a good explanation.

"Ease up on that drinking, Want some coffee ?'He asked

"No !!!!'No coffee" I said jumping out of skin

Angelo was confused but tired.

" Were you at the hospital all night ?

"Yeah.. Umm Roise..." I looked at him."Derek's in a Coma".

I went into shock

"Melanie went back with.her husband and kids. So you're going to have to keep an eye on Samantha. Im kinda hunting down Banks so I might not be in town for a while.....Rose.?"

I was already sitting in the car in my Pajamas waiting for him.

He dropped me off and left. Leaving me.with the car and keys

I stopped off by the gift shop and brought him a large stuffed bear then went up to his room. No one was there. I laied to him and put my head on his chest..They were able to remove the bullet and.fragments.

I read somewhere that people Coma's are.aware of.whats going on around them and could hear you.. Why not try.

" Derek, I don't know if you hear me or not. I know you would listen, but this would be the worst time for you to leave have to keep fighting. I bought you a stuffed animal....oh and me Samantha and Melanie are getting along and I kinda moved to your house..As far as school, it's not important...... I caught Angie having sex with Rah in my bed, crazy huh? Its.been going on for a while, even when him.and I were dating. My mom turned into a drunk..she.said.she.quit, but I don't believe her. Victoria, my friend I told you about got a wicked step mother. Angelo's looking for Banks and ... I grabbed his hand into mines, when I noticed a tattoo I.never seen before on his.wrist It said Rosalinda in script with a bluebird next to it...Derek when did you get this, its beautiful (I cried).....I went with Angie to the doctor and went myself.... Im.Pregnant Derek.... I put his had on my little bump. His heart beat started to rise on the machine fast and doctors ran in sending me into the hallway.

I sat in the hallway crying before a nurse walked over to me

"Miss are you okay ?"

"Huh ? Oohh Yeah"I said wiping my tears.

"Um can I get a check up though ? Im about 5 weeks pregnant."

She looked at me weird

"I know im too young"

"Not that's not it, why are you on the floor" she said pulling up a wheelchair.

we went to the other side of the hospital.

I laied on the bed

"This might be warm" she told me

It was freezing, she tricked me so I would be prepared for something hot.

After moments of searching she found the fetus. It was tiny..

" Would you like to hear the heart beat ? "

"Yess please" I went from sad to excited.

It was a fast rapid beat.. "All this from 5 weeks?

"Hold on" She said leaving

about 6mins later she came back.



"Miss Rose... You are 9 weeks pregnant..And you are too stressed, is not good for the baby..You can have a miscarriage, ,Its too early but im putting you on bed rest. You can hurt yourself and the baby if this continues"

"see doctor news likes that is the reason why im stressed" Im 9 weeks almost Two.Months ??.HOW I dont really look... like it.. I dont think...

"Im sorry"

" Can I get pictures and when can I know the sex ?

"Yes and 3 more weeks"

She cleaned off my stomach and handed my sonogram pictures and let me go.

I went back to Derek's room, he was doing much better. I wasn't sure if I should tell Derek about my sonogram pictures or keep it too myself. I laied next to him tracing his tattoos talking to him until I fell asleep

"Miss Visiting hours are over" the nurse said

I jumped up and looked at the clock. It.was midnight. I gave Derek a kiss and went home.


Thanks Everyone for ready.. Keep Reading and Sharing.

* If you want a Shout out/Dedication SHARE my story then message me


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