[BaekMi] Smile on your face

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Baekhyun: Bomi-ssi!

Bomi: Nae?

Baekhyun: I have something to tell you.

Bomi: Me too.

Baekhyun: Let's meet later, after class.

Bomi: Okay.

After class...
When Bomi arrived, she saw baekhyun sitting on the bench.

Bomi: Baekhyun!

Baekhyun: Hey. Sit here.

Bomi: Thanks.

Baekhyun: Can i talk first?

Bomi: No problem.

Baekhyun: You know that i'm courting Yish right?

Bomi: Wait w-what? I thought you stopped courting her?

Baekhyun: I did, but the other day, I decided to continue.

Bomi: And you didn't tell me?

Baekhyun: Mianhae. I courted her for i think 1 and half week then she already said yes. I decided to tell you now.

Bomi: So, that was why you couldn't go with me whenever i ask you.

Baekhyun: I'm sorry. Please forgive me, i promise i'll go with you the next time you ask me.

Bomi: Okay, you're forgiven. Congrats to you and Yish.

Baekhyun: Gomawo, you're such a good bestfriend. (Bomi nodded). Why are you crying?

Bomi: Uhm, you know, tears of joy*laughs.

Baekhyun: You're funny. Oh you said you have something to tell me.

Bomi: Yes. Uhm Baekhyun i'm le--

*ring *ring *ring *ring (Baekhyun's phone rang)

Baekhyun: I'll just answer this. Is it okay?

Bomi: Yes. I can wait.

a minute later...

Baekhyun: Bomi-ssi. I need to go, Yish called me.

Bomi: Can i say what i'm going to say first Then you can go.

Baekhyun: I'm so sorry, i really need to go. We can meet tomorrow and say it then.

Bomi: But baek i-

Baekhyun: Annyeong, see you tomorrow. *run fast

"There's no tomorrow Baekhyun-ah. I'm leaving for U.S. later."

Bomi said to herself, then went home crying.

Bomi's point of view:

If i leave for U.S. later without telling Baek, he will get mad. Well, he didn't let me speak before he leave. Fine, i'll call him.

Cannot be reach? I'll call him one more time. What? Why always cannot be reach? I'll just call Chanyeol. (their friend)

Phone Conversation

Chanyeol: Yeoboseyo?

Bomi: Chanyeol- ssi, are you with Baek?

Chanyeol: Aniyo, i'm at home now. Why? You're gonna meet him tonight?

Bomi: No, just have something to tell him.

Chanyeol: About what?

Bomi: My flight later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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