19 2 3

Who is he?

Those three words are the only thing that circled her mind for about an hour.

A couple of weeks had already passed since the game between Zeke & Kody's team but Crystal just simply couldn't stop but think of the guy that she was sure is Kody Scott's best friend.

Speaking of, she is currently sitting beside him. In biology class, their professor, Professor Angelou—slash Prof Lou—was the one who always arranges the seat plan. And since it's already the second semester, their teacher decided to change the seat plan.

So that leads her to where she is now, beside the one and only Drake Parker. They never even shared an eye or skin contact and yet she's being a stalker at him. Well... she's not actually stalking. She'd rather call it observing.

Not that she didn't tried catching his attention for the past few weeks. She did try by "accidentally" bumping him on the shoulder and by "unconsciously" dropping her pen whenever he passes by. But after so many effort she put on getting his attention, all her efforts are always wasted.

Every time she "accidentally" bumps on him, he will just mumble "sorry" and won't even spare a glance at her before continuing his walk to wherever he would go. And every time she "unconsciously"—sometimes it's really unconsciously—drops her pen or any of her things, he'd just pass by her, not even caring what happened, not even looking at her.

Even if she tries not to look his way and pretend he doesn't even exist, there will always be a way where some kind of magnet will pull her towards him.

She brought her attention to Prof Lou as she tells everyone their project for the semester.

"Your project for this semester is..." she uncovered the whiteboard that was mysteriously covered with white cloth earlier.

"DISSECTION?!" someone squealed.

Crystal squinted. D-d-dissection??

There's a diagram of a frog with its front body open, showing off the organs.

"Everyone, quiet please." Prof Lou said calmly. The whispers and squealing died down.

"Ok. Now, since this is biology class, the best project I know of is The Dissection of a Frog. Unlike the high schools students who do it by group, yours, I will only allow it to be by partners. And of course, it will be I who will assign your partners. " Prof Lou said, a smile on his lips. Crystal heard whining from her classmates and frowned, who would she partner her to?

Prof Lou is known for the talent of having such bad taste with assigning each of them with a group or partner. She just hopes that it wouldn't be one of the punks that she was paired off last semester by Prof Lou. From what she remembered, his name was Nicky? Gabriel? Nigel? Right. Nigel.

"Prof! When should we catch the frog?" her cousin, Savannah, blurted out while raising her hand. Savannah is the kind of student who was one of the top. Although, she's also one of the witty and noisiest one.

"Ah, right. About that, on Friday, you guys will have a some kind of field trip on a rainforest called Northcol. Base from my research, there's a bunch of frogs there." Prof Lou said, grinning from ear to ear.

Her classmates cheered. A little smile started to form on her face.

"Anyways, here is the list of partners for your Project. All you have to do is take a look of it to know who your partners are before brainstorming it together, ok?" Prof Lou said, holding up a paper with type-written words. He pinned it on our Project Board.

When the bell rang, indicating it's their break, all of her classmates stood up to check the paper while Crystal arranged her things. In her peripheral vision, she can see Drake Parker stand up to also gather his things—quickly.

He sure looks in a hurry, she thought. And tensed, she added.

Crystal saw how Drake went out of the room without even sparing a glance at her nor the list that Prof Lou left.

Crystal sighed. She's been doing this please-spare-a glance-at-me-atleast-one-time plea in her mind for the past few days. She doesn't even know why.

"Crystal! Crystal!" she immediately looked up to her caller. It's Kate. Right, they've been hanging out lately. It turns out, they have too many similarities that Crystal regretted not hanging out with her when she first saw her.

"Look! Look! Drake's your partner!" Kate exclaimed, pointing at the paper she's holding. Crystal looked at the exact words that Kate is pointing at.

14. Crystal Jade and Drake Parker

Crystal's eyes widened. She can feel her cheeks warm up.

Lately, Kate has been teasing Crystal a lot about Drake Parker that it makes her blush already.

You've gotta be kidding me, she wanted to say. But she's too speechless with it that she can't even mutter a word.

"Does that mean that you like Drake?" she heard Kate whispered. It made her blush more.

"N-no?" she replied. More like a question than an answer.

"Oh my..." Kate whispered, a grin plastered on her face.

---- ----

Crystal plumped her bag on the floor, falling heavily on her bed. She placed an arm on her forehead before sighing.

It's been a long day for her. And she still haven't forgotten of the revelation that she herself didn't assumed earlier.

Does she really like Drake? The Drake Parker?

No... that seems impossible... But why can't she get him out of her mind?

She sighed again. If only she hadn't had gone to that basketball game in the clubhouse, she wouldn't have saw him. She wouldn't have liked him.

Drake doesn't even know her for Pete's sake!

What should she do now?

---- ----
Author's Note:
Yay! An update! It's been a long time, eh? hahahah. Been updating in my fangirl account lol.
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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