Chapter 12 - Gotta Be Strong

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I inhale deeply, pulling whatever I'm smelling closer before I try and crack my eyes open. Light blinds me as I try to take in my surroundings. I sit up when I realize that I'm in a bed.. And it isn't mine.

Then I remember. All the memories swirl together in my mind. Maddox growling at Eli, him saying I was his mate, leaving Eli, watching everything I know disappear in the rear view window of Maddox's truck..

The memories overwhelm me and I feel tears start to form, I clench my fist around a piece of fabric and bring it to my face. I inhale deeply into it, the spicy chocolate scent calming me and soothing me. Once I'm comfortable and stop the tears from falling, I look at the now tear stained fabric that I was clasping and see that it's a shirt.

It took me a moment to realize that it was Maddox's shirt covered in his delicious scent that had calmed me down from the mini panic attack I just had. I throw his shirt onto the floor and shuffle away from it. Trying to clear my head, I get out of bed and walk towards the door I assume leads to the bathroom.

I open the door and see that I guessed correctly, I step in front of the mirror and look at myself. My eyes are bloodshot, dried tears have left tracks down my pale face and my hair is standing up in every direction. I quickly strip down and hop into the giant shower. I turn the knob all the way so that I feel the scalding hot water burning my skin. I feel my tears start up again as I think of Eli and sink down to the floor of the shower.

I stay there for a few minutes until I decide to pull myself together.

I'm a Luna now. I have to be strong for this pack, for MY pack.

I stand up and grab the closest body wash and rinse my body with it, then continue with my shampoo and conditioner.

I turn the water off after rinsing out the conditioner and grab a towel wrapping it around my body. I look at myself in the mirror again, seeing that the shower has done me some good. My face has regained some colour and my eyes have a determined sparkle in them. I knew I had to be strong now, I had to be a leader and I couldn't cry anymore, no matter how much I missed my old life.

I found that my toothbrush was sitting on the sink ready for me. I don't remember that being there when I got in here but shrugged it off. I brushed my teeth. I looked at my hair after and decided to attempt to style it, I found my products already in a drawer under the sink and proceeded to put my hair mousse and oil in my hair and found a blow drier in a drawer and dried my hair so I didn't have to wait for it to air dry. I finished by spraying it with a shine mist and looked it over. My caramel hair hung down my back and shined when the light hit it. I was satisfied and even smiled at the sight of it. I could do this I decided.

I exited the bathroom with my hair flowing freely and still in my towel, searching the room for my suitcase. I took a moment to glance over the room and really take it in. It was beautiful.

It was done up in shades of white, gold and taupe.  It looked classic but the white furniture gave it a more modern look. It was perfect for me and I loved it. I wondered if this was Maddox's room.. I always thought that an Alpha's room would be all wood and metal and dead animal heads. But this room proved me wrong.

After gazing around in wonderment for what seemed like hours, I located my suitcase beside the couch. I bent down to unzip it and heard a growl. I quickly spun around clutching my towel to me as if it was my life line.

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