Looking Up at the Stars

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Your kidding yourself Kinsley......stop saying that to yourself.....you're being ridiculous...just quit it.......

"Ahhhh!" I screamed unaware of what happened. "Oh, it was just a dream." I got out of bed and quietly opened my bedroom door. My door creaked like a little girl has yelped under her breathe. I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen. Holding my breathe to make no noise, I quietly went down the hallway where I heard someone. As I peaked past the wall I saw my dad making breakfast, I decided to scare him. I very gently tapped my dad's right shoulder and leaped to the other side, he look over his right shoulder and looked back at the pan of scrambled eggs. He then went to pick up the pepper and he saw me, I yelled boo super loud.
"Ahhhhhhhhh!" My dad screamed as scared as an elephant next to a mouse.
"Hahahahaha, I totally scared you...heheheehehe!" I said joyfully. Dad didn't seem that happy, it was like I just punched him in the gut. I then realized he had made pancakes that had sad faces, I knew something was up.
"Dad, is there something wrong?" I asked concerned. Then I saw tears rolling down his pale cheeks.
"Honey take a seat." Dad pulled out the bar stool for me to sit in. I first stared at it then I finally sat down. "This is kind of difficult for me to tell you....but last night, your-your mother started to cough really hard, and she said she needed to go to the...um...hospital. As we were going to the hostpital..she, well she passed away. The doctors said she had a severe seizure. Honey I'm so sorry." I then started to ball, I had no comment at all. I ran to my room, slammed the door and cried for about 2 hours straight.

That night I opened my curtains and rolled up the window. I stared out at the stars, counting as many as I could. I started to name each star, I named them the names of all of my family members that have passed. I found the brightest one of all and named it Mom. My mom's name was Jules Rose. I loved her name so much, sometimes I would get jealous of her name it was so pretty. I would pray to that star every night.

I love you mom.

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