Chapter 3: A New Nuisance

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I'm still sleeping soundly on my bed until I'm awaken by a familiar voice.

"Hey kid! Wake up! You're gonna be late for school!"

I hear a vague voice, but I don't bother to make it out. "Mmm...I don't wanna jump off the cliff...Siva." I say still half asleep.

"Jump off a cliff? Damn..oh right! KID WAKE UP!"

I'm still half asleep and I really don't feel like waking up. "Hmm...ten more minutes." I say absentminded.

"Okay, that's it!" I suddenly feel myself being thrown across the room and I'm slammed against my door which obviously jerks me awake.

"OOWW!" I scream with utter dismay and pain.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're a heavy sleeper...and I mean heavy!" I realize it's the ghost girl, but I have no time to remark back when I realized I slept in.

"Oh crap! I overslept!" I say running toward my closet and rummaging it for my uniform.

"Hey kid!" I hear the ghost girl say. "Would you stop calling me that!" I say as I look over my shoulder to face the girl. "Well, we haven't introduced ourselves have we?" She says and I realized that never crossed my mind. "Oh right I forgot."

"My name is Elizabeth Stone." I say after I've found my uniform and desperately try to put it on.

"My name's Bree." I've finally put on my uniform and rush to the bathroom.

"What? no last name?" I ask her as I'm washing my face.

"Can't remember." She responds as I rush out to get my book bag.

"Well Bree, I have to go to school so I'm leaving you in charge of the place." I say and rush out the door until I hear Bree yell.

"Wait, so I can do whatever I want?!" She asks.

"Yeah sure!" I say and ignore the suspicious smile on Bree's face.

I run toward the elevator and wait until I reach the first floor. "Damn, why is this thing so slow!" I say anxious to get off. I hear a ding and the elevator doors open, but this isn't my floor.

I see a tall, young man walk in. He's really handsome and I can't help but stare. I see he's wearing a white-collar shirt with a black tie and dark pants with dark dress shoes. He has long jet black hair with bangs that cover his right eye along with sharp long glasses.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

I snap out of my daze and I realize what I was doing. "Oh! I'm sorry...I'm just not myself today.." I say trying to sound convincing.

"Hmph..yeah right." He says smirking at me.

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean!" I say offended.

"It means your lying, genius." He says before combing back his hair which for some reason makes me blush.

"Oh? Your adorable." He says and I get embarrassed.

"I'm..I'm not blushing!" I say trying desperately to sound convincing.

"Awe that expression is so cute." He says mocking me.

"Gah! Would you stop that?!" I say losing my temper.

"Heh, you know your hot when your mad." He says grabbing my chin, but I slap it off.

"Look, I have somewhere else I need to be, so if you'll excuse me!" I say when I see the elevator stop at my floor and I get off, but I suddenly slip.

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