Chapter 7: That Voice

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After the battle, Siva didn't leave my side for the rest of the week. He and the annoying witch doctor, Jinx.

The council grounded me, again.

Just to clarify things, the council isn't a bunch of old guys keeping the kingdom safe because I'm too young to do it myself.

No, of course not.

It's just a catchy nickname I gave to my private babysitting team, which includes Siva the steward butler, Jinx the head doctor, Jean the head wardrobe designer, Elliot the assistant butler of Siva, and countless other people I happened to forget their names at the moment.

Well, maybe I just don't bother to remember them.


The blue liquid potion Jinx gave me, hasn't started to show the symptoms, yet. Although more importantly, I'm bored out of my mind and have nothing better to do.


Siva is starting to get a little..well A LOT overprotective lately, I guess it could be the fact that today I'm about to go back to school and he probably doesn't think 3 bodyguards will be enough.


I'm stuck in my room, watching a comedy sitcom. I've also been put on house arrest, yay me.

I suddenly feel movement behind my door. "Jinx, how many times do I have to tell you! I didn't take the green potion-"

I'm interrupted by a familiar voice that doesn't belong to Jinx. I slowly turn around to check who it is.

"What? Your not going to say 'hey' back?" I notice it's Bree standing at the door.

"Oh, right. Hi." I say, feeling a bit awkward. Bree floats over to my bed and looks at my tv.

"Funny show. I love Thomas, he's always trying to act like a badass even though he's short and scrawny." Bree says trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah, I know, but I prefer Janet. She's a cunning and back stabbing person...remind you of anyone?" I say trying to sound subtle.

"Hm?...yeah! She reminds me of the demons I use to work with!" She says laughing to herself.

I mentally slap myself.

What an idiot.

"Oh shut up." I say and Bree looks confused at me. "Oh! Sorry, not you, I was talking to the voices." I say and Bree slowly steps back.

"Uh..I think I'm going to get Jinx now..!" She says and walks out the room.

Great, you sure handled that nicely.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?" I say and the voice finally dies away. I lay back on my bed and ponder the earlier events of the week.

First, I mysteriously received that gash on my leg. Then, the sorcerer tells me that they found my scent the same day of my injury.

Which makes me suspicious of Bree, since the same day she came home, I got the gash and she was close enough to sniff my scent.

Finally, the sorcerer tells me there's a greater evil out there ready to kick my ass out of my throne.

Good luck with that!

Damn. You know, I was normal once. I continue to lay on my bed before Jinx walks in and he grabs my arm.

"Yes Jinx, you can come in." I say sarcastically, but he just ignores my comment. "This should keep those pesky voices away, for now that is."

He says after he's giving me my first dose of 'medicine' for the day. He takes out a small flashlight and examines the inside of my right cast.

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