Error Sans?

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"So what do you think the queen wants Papyrus?" "I don't know Sans, maybe she finally wants to put you in the Royal Guard" "Do you think so!" "Yah bro your the strongest monster I know" Papyrus said while puffing out a puff of smoke
Right now papyrus and sans are going to meet with queen Toriel, she asked them to come over to talk about something. They were in the Judgement Hall thinking about what Toriel wanted to say to them, but as sans was walking he spotted a white speck on the wall. "Papyrus what is that on the wall, it looks weird" Papyrus looked over at what sans was talking about, he didn't know what is was too. He walked closer to it to get a better view, as he got closer he noticed what it was and panicked 'he thought: Dam there is no time to get sans out of here'. He yelled "Sans go behind that pillar and stay there!" "Why papyrus, is something going to happen?" "Just go!" Then sans ran behind the pillar, "Good now stay there till I tell you to come out" "O-ok" Then the white speck got bigger and bigger till someone came out of it. "Error Sans" "Why do you look like that aren't you h-happy to see your b-bro?" Error sans said while smirking, "Your not my bro, at least not mine" "Aw don't b-be like t-that" As they continued to talk US sans listened and he thought 'Error sans who is that?' He peeked his head out a little to see him, and he almost gasped but caught himself before error sans heard. 'He lookes like me! But his smile doesn't reach his eyes, I kind of want to cheer him up and maybe we can be friends' Then all of a sudden he hears gaster blasters being fired, he peeked his head out again to see what was happening. He sees papyrus and that other sans fighting 'hopefully both of them don't get hurt' A few minutes later of fighting, Sans hears a voice saying "SHIT!" 'that sounds like papyrus!' He looks to see and his eyes widen there papyrus was on the floor with a scar running from his shoulder to his hips "You never had a c-chance to beat me P-papyrus" " *huff* I still tried *huff* though" Then error sans pulled out a gaster blaster "This should f-finnish the job" As he was about to fire it he heard running coming towards them "PAPYRUS!" Sans jumped in front of papyrus to protect him. "SANS what are you doing here I told you to stay there till I tell you to come out!" Sans healed papyrus and said " But papyrus you were about to die!" "O-oh and I guess this is this world's sans h-huh" Error sans said. Papyrus got up and jumped in front of sans "Don't hurt him!" "Haha you would rather me kill you than your little b-blueberry over there?" Papyrus's eye started glowing orange "I-i see" "Then survive my special a - attack and I won't kill your special l-little blueberry" Error sans just stood there not doing anything untill blue strings popped out from behind his back and wrapped around papyrus. "What the hell" screamed papyrus, the blue strings threw him across the room. Sans was about to go help his brother but then the blue strings wrapped them self around him making him unable to move. "P-papyrus help!" Papyrus turned around and looked at error sans and said "Let him go" in a menacing voice. "Hmm no I think I w-will keep him" Error sans said while smirking. Papyrus was about to launch an attack untill error sans opened a portal "Well b-bye for now papyrus, w-we will meet again soon and I'm b-bringing him with me" "NO!" Papyrus ran to stop him but it was to late error sans was already in the portal with underswap sans. As error sans was closing the portal US sans said "P-papyrus! help m-" and that was it error sans closed the portal. "No no no no! Sans!" Then papyrus passed out on the floor, as he was falling you could see tears coming from his eye sockets.

Next chapter coming soon--Undertale Queen

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