The Deal

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Sorry for the wait had a lot of work to do anyway on to the story

The last thing I saw was papyrus face in awestruck. This other sans- error sans took me to a blank white space with nothing in it, "Ah finally back h-home" Error sans turned around and looked at the other sans. "H-hello my prisoner, i didn't i-introduce my self properly. M-my name is Error sans" "H-hi error sans, Umm when can I go h-home?" Said sans still being a little shaken up by what just happened " "Hmmmm l-let think about it..... n-never" US sans fell on the floor and started crying, he was worried about his brother, he wanted to go home. "H-hey stop that stop c-crying" "But I want to *sniff* go home" "W-well then how about we make a deal" " A deal?" "Y-yah if you
beat me at a game t-then I will let you go home, ok?" US sans jumped up from where he was and smiled "You'll let me go home!" "Y-Yes if you agree" "Ok but first I want to ask a question" "A q-question? Sure what is i-it" "Why is your voice glitched?" Error sans eye sockets went all black then he said in a normal voice "That's something you don't need to know" " Oh I'm sorry if I upset you" " A-anyway do you agree?" "Yes I do, to get back to my brother" " O-ok then let's b-begin" " Yes le- eep!" Error sans tied up US sans with yellow tenticles, as US sans struggled to get out of its tight hold. "W-what are you do- ahhh~" Error sans pulled up US sans shirts and stroked one of his rib bones, US sans didn't know what he was doing but he knows that it felt good. "D-do you know what g-game we are playing now?" Error sans said with a smirk. "I- ahh~ never played this game before" "O-oh you haven't then I will have more f-fun with you" US sans didn't know what to do he never played this game before so he doesn't know the rules to it. But little did he know that deep down he has a secret power, US sans kept moaning as error sans said "At this r-rate you will l-lose and you won't see your b-brother again" Then that's when it hit him he's losing! He thought 'No I won't lose I want to see papy again' US sans kept struggling and didn't give up, then that power deep inside him sparked and grew. Error sans stayed there amused as US sans struggled to break free but then it changed to a surprised expression as blue tenticles came out of know where and tied him to the white ground. "W-what the hell?!" Error sans lost control of his magic for a moment which released US sans from the tenticles. Error sans looked over at US sans but he looked different he had an expression of lust and blue hearts in his eyes, this was US sans secret power this was a different side to him.
(Error sans and US sans will switch personalities here)
US sans said "heh I guess the tables have turned" "L-let me go!" "Now why would I do that huh Error" US sans said with a different tone in his voice "Now let the fun begin" US sans used one of his tenticles to take off all the cloths that error sans had. "H-hey! Stop this isn't f-fair" Error sans said with a blush on his face, "Oh and why would I do that you look so cute like that" Error sans was about to protest but US sans started stroking his yellow ecto dick. "Ahhh~" Then after that US sans used his other tenticles to play with his rib bones, "Aww look at you, your acting like the other part of me, so cute" US sans started stroking faster "S-stop I'm *huff* going to c- AHHH~" Then error sans cumed all over US sans "Done already? Well then on to round two, how about you give me something to fuck" "N-no were done a-already you won" "How about no, now do what I said to do" US sans used one of the tenticles to squeeze Error sans dick hard. "Mmmm~ f-fine" Error sans then summoned a yellow ecto vagina US sans was pleased with himself on how far he got this to work. "There now was that so hard to do, now let's begin round 2" US sans took off his pants then he used his tenticles to flip over error sans so his butt was facing him.
"W-what are you going t- AHHH" US sans without warning thrust his whole blue ecto dick inside Error sans, "Hnnn~ error you so tight" "Your s-so big" "How sweet of you to say that error, now for your reward" US sans took the whole thing out and thrust it back in hard. "AHHH~ US SANS" US sans started thrusting harder than before "F-fuck" "US SANS FASTER!" "What was that I didn't hear you error your gonna have to say it louder" US sans said with a smirk "I SAID FASTER GOD DAMMIT!" "Now that's what I like to hear" US sans started thrusting faster and harder into Error sans, "I-i about to cum US sans!" "M-me *huff* too" With one final thrust both came and moaned at the same time "AHHH!~" After they caught their breaths both started to put back on their cloths "Welp see you next time, need to give the other part of me control back heh bye" "Uggh what happened" US sans said as the un-lusted part of him gained control again "Y-you won that's what h-happened" "I did! mweh heh heh the great sans always wins, anyway can I get back to my brother now?" "Y-yah you can just l-let me open a portal b- O-oh look one is already open w-weird" "Ok thanks Error and by the way-" US sans leaned closer to Error sans and whispered "We should do this again sometime" Error sans blushed hard and US sans jumped threw the portal as it closed behind him.

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