Just like...Good old times...

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Some help guides :
(Y/N) = your name
(L/N) = last name
(F/C) = fav. Color
(S/F/C) =2 fav. Color
(F/F) = fav. Food
(E/C) = eye color
(H/c) = hair color
(S/t) = sword type
Hai-o! 0-k....enjoy~~~ ^w^
Your P.O.V
*yawns*.....ugh....where am I....what time is it...I look around....and see the bright blue sky and the green tall trees.....I rub my eyes.....and feel something next to me...I turn around and see.....z-
Zane?.......I blush a bit but it goes away quickly...thank Irene!...to be honest ...he looked cute...-wait! Hold up! NO! (Y/n)! ...just no....don't think that way....but...he does..he looks ...........peaceful....
I never seen him this way.....I feel something pulling me...it was Zane...he cuddles me and goes back to sleep....I blush! But good thing he can't see it.......he cuddles me and I fall to sleep....
~Few more minutes of cuddling and sleeping later ^w^~
Zane's P.O.V
....ugh ...why is it so bright.....but it's warm....the sunlight feels nice...
Hm-....wait a minute....who's this?.....a girl?.....wait....it's (y-y/n)....I was cuddling with her?....she's so warm...and cute when she's sleeping...aww....she's like a little baby wolf......so cute...and adorable.....
*yawns*...well...it time to get up and go.....I should wake her up...ya...
"(Y/n)......(y-y/n)....!Wake up!" I yell to wake her up....BIG mistake!
Your P.O.V
"(Y/n)......(y-y/n)....!Wake up!" I heard someone yell and get scared and accidentally hit someone in the stomach....oops...
"OUCH!" I heard someone yell...
I turn around and see Zane on the ground hugging his stomach and trying to breath...
"OMG!.....Zane I'm so sorry! It's just-...you scared me!....you know you aren't suppose to yell at me when I sleep...remember when we were kids..." I say
*Flash back*
" Zane! Come on! Keep up!" I yell at him ...I giggle ..
"(Y/n)! You know I can't run as fast as you...hey!...wait up!" Zane says giggling and running
"Nope! Try to catch me!" I giggle...again...
~after running a bit later~
"Phew! I'm tired...hey we should go back before one of us-.." Zane says looking at you sleeping..
He smiles.....
"(Y/n)...(y-y/n).....(y/n) wake up.....WAKE Up! .."
(Y/n) screams and punches Zane...
"Owwww!....(y/n)...that hurt!...." Zane's says with a tear falling down from his face and holding his stomach because of the pain...
"S-sowwy Zane....I d-didn't mean to...it's just- ....You scared me you big dummy!!!....why did have to yell! ...it scared me...oops..i forgot to ask...are you o-k?.." I look at Zane on the ground ...
"Y-yea....I-I'm good...it just hurts....a lot!" Zane says still holding his stomach
I laugh..."oh you big dummy...here..." You give a potion to him...
"Drink this...it might taste bad...but it will make the pain go away ..."
Zane drinks the potion...
"Yuck! Your right..it does taste nasty..but .....it did get the pain away...t-thanks (y/n).."
"No problem Zane!....just don't ever do that again..ok!" You smile
"Oh trust me I won't!"...you both laugh together and go home..
~end of flash back~
You smile at the flash back..and you guys were kids...you laugh...
You look at Zane still on the ground..
"Oops! Sowwy Zane! I forgot to ask!..you ok?" You imitate what you said when you were young and laugh
"Nope...it hurts....a lot...heh...you don't happen to have one of those potions you gave me when we  were kids and get hurt...do you?" He looks up at you
"Actually....I think I do...I always keep my stuff with me..just in case anything happens..."
You reach for your pouch and pull out a tiny potion bottle ..
"Here drink this....remember how nasty it tasted? ...heh.." You hand over the tiny bottle..
Zane drink the potion
"Yuck! ...heh...good old times! Huh?...." He says with a smile
"Yup! And great good old times!" You smile back
"Hm....Zane guess what!"...
"What?" He looks confuse and you start running
"Come on Zane ! Hurry up !" You say running and laughing..
"Aww...*sigh*...fine! Hold up (y/n) ..I can't run as fast as you!" He starts running and laughs too

Good...old times...just like the old times..*giggles*...
Aww...this is the cutest thing I have ever wrote...aww....memories...and good old times....
Kawaii~~~ ....^w^....hope u guys enjoyed this ...and once again!....don't forget to comment below  advice or suggestions to make this book series more BOSSOME! And plz hit that star button thing..Lolz.. because it does help and show that you guys enjoy this...so...ya...hope you guys r having a good day....and don't forget to smile! ....ok bue~~~~

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