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(Y/N) = your name
(L/N) = last name
(F/C) = fav. Color
(S/F/C) =2 fav. Color
(F/F) = fav. Food
(E/C) = eye color
(H/c) = hair color
(S/t) = Sword Type
Your P.O.V
    "Wow!...your pretty strong for a beautiful girl.." The person said as I put the (s/t) closer to their neck...first they try to sneak up on they are trying to flirt with me?! way..wait- WAT DOES HE MEAN "FOR A BEAUTIFUL GIRL"?!?
"Don't hurt me! I'm not dangerous...heh...sorry..lets start over..I'm princess~.." He says as he grabs my hand and try's to kiss it, I blush a bit..and quickly pull it away before he can kiss it....well that's a first..weird.
"Um, I'm (y/n)...what are you doing here?" I ask him and he smiles..
"I was told to look for a girl, a beautiful girl as the gaurds Laurence and Garroth described it..I guess I found her..they are right about you.." He says as he checks me out...BOI! I Have a (s/t)
And I'm not! afraid to use it....wait..Laurence and Garroth?..t-they called me beautiful?............nah!..
"Well, now that you found me-...can you STOP checking me out!.." I say to him..God this cassanova is anoying!..-sigh-
"Heh...I'm sorry, I just can't help myself when I see a pretty your personality is as beautiful as your looks." He says shyly as he rubs the back of his neck..
"Huh?..n-nothing!...just-..pretend I didn't say anything..heh, ok let's go back to the village before I say more how your eyes are so stunning.- I mean um..heh..*sigh* ." He says but he stops and smiles shyly because of what he said at the end..heh..he's not that bad when he's not all cassanova like!..
"Heh..thanks, but your right..lets go to the village.." I say and smile as we walk back.....we get there and Garroth runs up to me and....hugs me..
"Thank Irene you're r ok! Where were you?!" He says in a worried can they be worried for me..I just meet them..
"I tell you later..right now I'm kinda tired from trying to find you guys.."
"Find us?! We were trying to find you.." Laurence says to me..
"Well I was at the village the entire time..then Aphmau told me to help her find you guys since I guess she already knew where I was...and I'm tired!..not to mention this guy that almost scared me half to dead." I say as I point to Travis. He just stands there smiling shyly
"Heh, ya sorry about that..I didn't know you were the girl I was told to look for..kinda thought you were a bandit or something"
"And I guess you meet Travis"
"Yup, I meet This casanova." I said as I look at Travis...I swear if he flirts with me again..
"Hey! I *ahem*...I'm sorry for scaring you and um kinda ...flirting with you.." ..
"Flirting?...with (y/n)?...heh..I knew someone will, see didn't I tell you (y/n)...your adorable!" Aphmau says smiling ,almost scaring me half to death too! My Irene where in the world did she come from!
"Oh hey Aphmau it's you..and I'm not adorable!" I say crossing my arms together.
"Hahah, your right. You're cute like a little pup or something." Aphmau says patting my head.
I sigh, " whatever."
" enough with the small talk, (y/n) we were really really worried about you. Where in the hell were u??? " Garroth said in a worried and angry tone.
"I, u-um.."
"Ya where were you?! We were scared out our minds trying to look for you and you were here the entire time??"
"I..." Tears were about to form and I can see aphmau can tell.
"Alright guys, that's enough. (Y/n) is tired and has had a long day. We can discuss this tomorrow morning." Aphmau said strictly at the boys.
"But!-" they all said in unison before-
"Now!" Aphmau inturupted. The boys walked away as they said their good nights and goodbyes. Aphmau and I walked home and she pulled me into her met kitchen and sat me down.
"Aphmau i-is everything o-" I said before inturupted.
"Alright no more stalling! You are gonna tell me where in the world you were this entire time!" Aphmau said in a angry tone.
"I-" I sighed..I can't do this anymore, I can't keep this to myself. I know I have to tell her but how will she react? Will she kick me out? Hate me? Think I'm a god or freak? ...I just don't want to be treated differently than I am now. But now, I need to tell her. She deserves to know..
"Aph I ...I fell asleep and as I woke up I was in like another place, it was blank and there's stood two people. One was a shadow, dark as the night. He had a strong dark male voice and looked evil. The other person there looked angelic and like a goddess. She had a soft and peaceful voice. From the looks of it, she looked nice and delicate, like a-a flower. "  Aphmau nodded as I told her Wat I saw. I continued
"Ahem, anyways. They were in this some sort of um fight and in the end the shadowy figure went away. I was left with the women out to be my ...aunt. "
" What?..."  I continued..
"B-but that's not the thing...she wasn't like some dead spirit, she actually-.." I stopped. I need to tell her..
" she's...lady Irene.." Aphmau stood there speechless, was it the Irene thing? Of course it was the Irene thing you dummy! Duh! Ugh...I don't know what to do.
"(Y/n) AMAZING!" Aphmau said very excitedly. Wait what.
"It's a descendent of Irene! I mean you're the niece of Irene!" A smile appeared on my face and tears started to form. I need to tell her. I need to tell the truth. That's I'm-
"(Y/n) what's wrong? Are you afraid that everyone will treat you differently? Look no one will treat you like that just because you're a descendent of ire-"
"Aphmau it's not just that!!" Tears rolled down my cheek as I stood up from the table.
" Then what is it? Please (y/n) tell me!, I can't just ignore this anymore. You have to tell me."
"I'm half shadow night! Happy?! Ok look I'm not perfect! Im half shadow night and half a descendent of Irene! Okay!" Tears continued to fall down and onto the cold floor.
"I'm scared! Because I won't know what will happen to me! What people will think of ME! I'm afraid..of..of what happen. Everything, is changing so fast and I'm not ready! I'm just...frozen in time while everything is moving at 100 miles per hour." I sobbed and tried to wipe the tear away with my sleeve. Aphmau came up to me and hugged me as I hugged her back. We stood there embracing each other which felt like an hour. After I calmed down we let go.
" Listen (y/n), I know for a fact that you are good. Even if you where born to be a person that supposably damages all, you are a person that creates and brings smiles to many. You have good in you that attract many. That's what is important, not some darkness that isn't even well you, you know who you want to be and that's something that only you can control."
"B-but what if I hurt someone even if I don't want to? What I-if I hurt you or- "
"You won't, you will and can control it! You have power over your own body, not anyone else. Got it?" I nodded and took a deep breathe.
" thanks aph." I smiled as she smiled back.
Soon after talking for a bit night fall came. Aphmau went to bed while I was still awake staring at my ceiling. Think about what the others will say about me. The thought ran through my head as I slowly went into a slumber. Hopefully everything will go well.
Whoa it's been so long! I'm so sorry for making you guys wait a very very long time. Hopefully you except my apology and enjoyed the story! Make sure to press the ⭐️ star button if you did enjoy it. And if you didn't I'm sorry, hopefully I improve in the future! Anyways! I hope you have/had a good day or night! And cya later my shadow pack! Bue~
- Wølf

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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