C H A P T E R • 3

144 9 4


Everything hurt.

From my forehead to my pinkie toe.

My head was pulsing with a sweltering heat and my veins felt on fire. I wanted to die right there.

But then, the burning sensation went away. In place of the fire felt like cool water. It gave me enough energy to peel open my eye. I shut it close immediately as a bright light burned my pupil.

Where am I?

I dug through my memories, and it came crashing down on me like a tidal wave.

I remember running despite my thighs wanting to give up on me. The crunching of trees chased me. I managed to move my head just in time for a kunai knife to whizz past my ear and plant itself in a tree. I leaped into the air, planted my feet on the same tree, and did a backflip while throwing a kunai of my own.



I landed on the ground and armed myself with yet another kunai, forming a defense position. I slowly approached the cry and found my victim in a fetal position on the ground, my kunai found itself in his stomach. He spat out blood.

"You bitch," he growled at me. "You can't get away with this!"

I smirked and pocketed my kunai as I approached him. I squatted down and my face was still hovering above my victim. "Oh, but I think I just - AH!" I gasped as I looked down at my stomach. A kunai was in my side. I managed to calm myself. No vital organs hit. Good.

"You missed," I smiled through gritted teeth. "I still win."

My victim let out a choked laugh. "Oh, but the poison should take effect in about ten minutes or so."

My red eye widened in fury. A careless mistake. Good going, Fayli.

"If I die, then you die with me!" the escaped prisoner roared in front of my face, spraying me with bits of his blood.

How disgusting.

I bared my teeth. "But you can meet the devil first." I slit his throat in a flourish sweep, and then collapsed on the ground. My breathing was almost unbearable as heat set my brain on fire. It took too much of my strength to just stand up, let along, stumble almost blindly through the forest. I believed I was heading in the direction of my village. Was I?

I remember hearing distant voices. Probably ninjas to kill me. I don't know. I peeled open my eye to see silver hair and orange clothing. I muttered words that I didn't even think about processing. And at that moment, I blacked out.

I laid there, contemplating what had happened and what would happen. My eyes fluttered open to see bright green eyes boring into my red one.

"Oh, you're awake," beamed the girl. Her pink hair was hanging above me. I moved my body, and with great strength, sat up. My stomach was sore, and I felt bandages wrapped around the wound in where I was stabbed.

"I'm Sakura Haruno," Sakura, the pinked haired girl in a nurse's outfit, said brightly. "I just want to give you the run down: my team and I found you wounded in the forest. We took you into our village hospital and extracted the poison that nearly killed you. But you're just fine, right now."

I looked at Sakura Haruno, wondering how she was so happy and smile-y.

"Thanks," I mumbled, staring at my folded hands in my lap. "I really appreciate it."

"Hey, no problem," Sakura winked. "I have to go talk to our Hokage about discharging you from our hospital, since you're an outsider. See you in a bit!"

Sakura was heading out the door before a boy in night orange and spiky blonde hair managed to scrape by her.

"Oh, sorry Sakura," laughed the boy. Why so happy?

"Hello!" the boy grinned at me revealing a set of strong and white teeth. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki. How are you feeling?"

"Fine. Thank you."

"What's your name?" Naruto asked as he pulled up a chair.

I looked at him. He raised a blonde eyebrow at my right red eye but didn't say anything. "I'm Fayli."

"Nice to meet'cha, Fayli! Where are you from?"

Too many questions.

"No where in particular. I'm a wandering nin," I told him. Naruto looked surprised.

"Oh. Oh okay."

Naruto Uzumaki didn't have another chance to ask another question because Sakura returned to the hospital room. "Naruto, Lady Tsuande requests all of Team 7."

Naruto sighed. "Alright, alright."

He got up and follow the pink haired kunoichi while shutting the door behind him.

I'm alone...I couldn't have asked for more.

I formed quick hand signs, wincing at the soreness of poison extraction, and then ended with the classic two-fingered hand sign in front of my mouth. There was a burning feeling in my left eye socket. Glowing red lines appeared in my right eye that spiraled around iris like a vortex and they all connected to my dark pupil.

I took a good long look at the hospital room and then turned my attention to the window. I made sure to look at every single inch of what was displayed from the hospital window.

Kids playing hopscotch, jump roping, or throwing shurikens. Parents sitting on the benches, exchanging gossip and the talk of the village. Trees hovering above the villagers like a blanket and when the wind would pass through the village, leaves would sway as then fall gracefully. I saw the Hokage Monument, a magnificent carving of each of the Hokages on the face of the cliff (that irony though). Everything looked content, happy, and peaceful.

It then struck me how it seemed like many of the buildings were being rebuilt or renovated. Hmm. Must be that time of year for the Hidden Lead Village to remodel I guess.

I hadn't recovered most of my chakra yet, so I released my visual jutsu and wariness hit me. I slumped into my pillows and stared at the blank ceiling.

In the Hidden Leaf, huh? This was going to be interesting.

An Eye For An Eye | Naruto fanfiction [ON HOLD]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora