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Link was sick for weeks and weeks and I took him to the doctors and he got diagnosed with cancer and I couldn't believe that my best friend has cancer.

(6 Months later)
I was diagnosed with a more curable type of cancer that I got hereditary two months ago.
I still helped link while getting chemo myself and I don't want people to go easy on me like cancer was a disability and tell me I can't do something because I have cancer.
I look like the same person I was months ago because I got a wig that looks natural and I made it look like I shaved my beard for something different and I learned how to do my eyebrows the same.
I wanted the attention to be on link 110% because he deserves the attention.

I'm getting chemo today and link is too and we take a selfie together and we post it with the caption "team Rhett and link ready to fight cancer"
We got support back from the mythical beasts and then we were connected to the chemo and In the beds the closest to each other as possible.
(Stevie visits)
Hey guys
Hey Stevie
Rhett you don't look like a cancer patient
He is one
I want the attention to be on link Stevie
That's too nice Rhett
I got a wig that is attached to my head so the mythical beasts don't put some of their attention on me because I don't want to have people sorry for me
(Stevie is there for 45 minutes and goes back home)

(Treatment ends and they both go home)
Hey honey
Hey Jess
How was chemo today
I'll tell the boys your home
(Jessie tells the boys their dad is home)
Hey dad
Hey Locke
How are you feeling
Just a stomach ache that's it
Okay dad
Hey daddy
Hey shep
How are you daddy
Good shep
(The McLaughlin family is watching tv)
(Rhett runs to the bathroom and throws up)
Rhett are you alright
This is a side affect of the medication
Which medication
The chemotherapy
I can't believe you have cancer and your two months into your journey and link is how many months into his journey
6 months In and I still can't believe it
Where are We are going tomorrow
My moms tommrow morning
Are you well enough to go

(The next morning)
I wake up and feel a tiny bit better not nauseous but the stomach ache was still there and we got ready and went to my mom's house and it was about a 35 minute drive so I ended up falling asleep because the chemo made me tired.

(At rhett' mom's house)(mom-Rhett's mom dad-rhetts dad)

(Rhett)Hey mom
(Mom)Hey honey how are feeling
(Rhett)drowsy from the chemo yesterday
(Mom)want to lie down baby
(Rhett)yes do you mind
(Mom)no I don't mind
(Rhett) thank you mom

(Rhetts mom is talking to Jessie)
(Jessie)hey momma di
(Mom)hey Jessie
(Jessie)he was asleep in the car too and he had a very bad night
(Mom) How was he feeling
(Jessie) He throwing up late night and when he fell asleep he would fall asleep he would become nauseous and throw up and about 3am he finally got to sleep
(Mom)this is the reality of cancer babe
(Jessie)I faced reality then
(Mom) let me check on him

(Rhetts mom goes into the room where Rhett is)
(Mom)Baby you in here
(Mom)are you feeling strong enough to out there baby
(Rhett) yes

(Rhett comes back out)
(Jessie)Hey baby
(Rhett) Hi babe

(Rhett sees his dad)
(Rhett)Hey dad
(Dad) Hey Rhett
Rhetts dad hugs him
(Dad)your feel a bit chilly to me son
(Jessie)want me to get a blanket
(Dad)yes please
Rhetts dad gets a blanket on Rhett and trys to get him warmer... It worked
(Dad)do that feel better
(Rhett) yes thank you

(Lunch is ready)(Jessie's pov)
We all get our plates and I get Rhett's and I sit across from him and  distract him so he keeps his mind off eating

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