Normal Until Then

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Everything use to be so different for Jungkook. He had friends, goofed around, he was the class clown. All those things made it seem like nothing was going to go wrong, until that one night.


10 Years Ago:

"Mommy? What's going on? Why are we running away from daddy? Shouldn't we help him?" 7 year old Jungkook and his mother were running down a darken and strange alley.

His mother seemed really different that night. Instead of loose and flowing, her hair was tied in a tight ponytail. And instead of wearing loose grandma shirts and skirts, she was wearing a black shirt with black jeans. She looked beautiful, really. But instead of her usually bubbly smile, it was a stern frown with a hint of worry.

"Oh, um about that darling. Mommy had realized that daddy is not on the same term as mommy, and mommy, well um, mommy, may have mad daddy a little mad." Jungkook remembered the angry red face of his father when he and his mom exited through the back doors and into the dark alleys.

"Oh, is that why he was holding a gu---" his words were cutoff by loud gunshots and yelling. It sounded like a group of men. His mom urged him to go faster by pulling him on his arm "I'm sorry Kookie, but we might have t---" his mother abruptly stopped, making him stop as well.

She let out a frustrated yell and glanced behind her back, worriedly. The thing that was making her angry was the locked fence, and it was about 8 feet high. His mom tried shaking the fence but it wouldn't budge and it was too high to climb.
She looked behind her and then looked at Jungkook. The fence had a tiny opening that Jungkook could probably fit through.

"Kookie, do you think that you can fit through that small hole right there?" She pointed at it and he nodded, immediately getting on both hands and knees, crawling with a little bit of difficulty.
Dirt, and rocks scraped both his elbows and knees, but he kept going. His face scratched the side of the fence, leaving a small cut on his cheek. He finally made it through and turned around to look at his mom, but she was looking behind her. Jungkook also looked behind her to see shadows of dark figures, heading towards them.

His mom turned around and she let one word slip through her mouth before he heard a gunshot. Blood spilled out of his mother's mouth and she fell to the ground. Her hair covered her face but she gave one final look towards Jungkook before her eyes closed. Blood everywhere.

Jungkook gasped. "Mommy!! Mommy wake up!!!" Jungkook tried to reach under and grab his mom's hand when a bullet flew and missed him by 2 cm. Hitting the trash can beside him.

Jungkook got up and followed his mom's command and her last order before she died.



Present Day:

Jungkook yawned as he walked through the hallways of his school. Well, the school that the target is in. It was 6:30 and it was pretty dark. School had already ended but that didn't matter right now, only to finish the mission.
The mission was to find out about the drug dealing that was happening after school. The only problem was, he had no clue on where to check.

He had walked through the whole school for about 2 hours but there was no one else there. He took out his phone and texted his co-agent.

Agent JK:
Are you sure that it's here? There's no one here.

Agent RM:
Yes, it's gotta be there. Just wait a few more minutes. So impatient.

Agent JK:
I won't be impatient to knock your teeth in if you get the place wrong.

Agent RM:
Geez, my bad...But seriously, it's gotta be there. Just wait.

Agent JK:
Alright, whatever.

Jungkook closed his phone and playfully rolled his eyes. His co-agent always messed around with him and he didn't mind. The only problem was that, sometimes he played around a bit to much.

Jungkook continued to walk through the hallway when all of the sudden, he heard footsteps coming his way, practically running.
He swiftly hid behind the wall, inside the shadows and the people running passed him without realizing.

He took his phone out and texted his co-agent one more time.

Agent JK:
Target locked and found.

He turned his phone off and put it in his pocket. He looked around the walls to see if the cost was clear. He swiftly followed the people and they all went outside and near the back of the school. Jungkook groaned as he realized he was searching in the wrong place the whole time.

There was a whole group of kids his age. They were all passing around money, and some plastic bags with either pills or powder in it.
Jungkook's phone started vibrating and some kids looked his way. He ducked down in time and checked his phone.

Agent RM:
Alright, I'll send backup.

Jungkook peeked over his hiding spot and watched. Some of the kids seemed to be high, and some looked wasted. Jungkook silently clicked his tongue and shook his head. That's when he realized that one of the kids were looking at him and they made eye contact.

The girl smiled at him and then she looked at her friends. She said something and waved goodbye. She looked back at Jungkook and then turned and hurriedly left.
Jungkook was about to follow her when all of the sudden, some of the kids started screaming and some were laughing.

Jungkook stayed and watched, not realizing that the girl suddenly disappeared. He watched as some of the kids started making out. Jungkook made a disgusted face and rolled his eyes. He made a childish sound, "Ewwww" quietly so no one would hear.

Since Jungkook's senses were sharper than an average person's, he heard the soft footsteps of his allies. He waited for the signal and then all at the same time, ten or more people with the same outfit as him jumped out and swiftly took out their guns. "Everybody freeze and hands above your head." One of the spies shouted.

Jungkook smirked as the kids who were making out, abruptly jumped apart and raised their hands in surrender. He shook his head and softly chuckled at the kids who were either high or wasted, because they had absolutely no clue on what was going on.

His allies, backup, surrounded the kids and every single one of the kids were handcuffed and on their knees. Jungkook stood up and streched while yawning. He looked around and then took out his phone.

Agent RM:
Great job, Mr. Impatient! You can go home now, but remember, tomorrow, headquarters, ASAP!

Agent JK:
Yes, Mother.

Jungkook could practically hear his co-agent snort and then he shut off his phone. He streched one more time and headed to the front of the school.

'Should I tell him about the girl that saw me?' He thought about that for a few minutes while opening the school gates, then he made up his mind.



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