call me maybe???

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im sobbing on the couch trying to forget matt ,why did he leve me for her, not only did i lose the man i love, i lost my best freind

im still crying and i here my phone ring, it says matt ,why does he want me, i left him,he knows its over,

"hello,is this miss moat?" said a woman i did not know

"im sorry theres been a terreble accent"

"matt has been killed in a car accedent,im sorry melanie there was nothing we could do to help him" i heard the lady hang up

she must have been from the hospital , my eyes swelled with tears as i curled up on the ground, could my life get any worse

then there was a knock

i was two sad to care

they knocked again

i decided to answer


said ian

"hi" i sniffed

"why are you here"

"i heard the news" he said

"h-h-how" i stutterd

"i saw it all" he said

"i was on my way to the grocery store , i just turned the corner when a car zoomed past and hit a oncoming lorry"

i burst into tears, me and matt were over but i still cared

ian reached out and hugged me it was aqward at first but i felt safe in his arms i cried and cried , he sat me on the sofa and he sat down beside him i was still crying he put his arm around me again we barley knew eachother but it felt right.

i woke up in ians arms he was asleep, i looked at my phone and it was already 4am .. it was a blur what happened i rememberd, i fall back to sleep in ians arms


next one coming soon

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