Chapter 11

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--- Emily Prentiss's Point of View ---

Present Day

I was so scared last night for Spencer and Laura. Locked in that elevator for hours, I would have been freaking out if I were them, they happened to be shook up, but still surprisingly calm. After they got out we all split ways, and I went to JJ's house and slept in the guest room.

This morning I woke up early- still feeling a bit jet lagged. I figured going for a run would be the best way to clear my head about two things: The BAU and Aaron Hotchner. Yesterday, I felt like I finally belonged, being back in the BAU was just naturally what I was comfortable with.

I know that I left because it didn't feel right being back, and at first I thought I was right, but there is only so long one can work a dest job, that is always busy. I miss the BAU and I want to be back. Still, I know what I want be moving back to Quantico seems like a fun idea, but what if I get that feeling again and want to leave. I can't do that to the team.

As I ran around a corner I realized I was kind of unsure of where I was, but I was leaving the neighbourhood where JJ lives. At the corner of the street, I saw a Starbucks. Coffee, that would wake me up and I can think better.

I open the door, the inside is more familiar than any other Starbucks, I look around. Of course. This is were Hotch and I went for coffee sometimes.

I ordered my coffee and sat on the couch reading a newspaper. The door chimes rang, but I didn't look up- until I heard a familliar voice.


"I told you to call me Aaron now," Hotch replied walking over. "Did you go for a run?" He asked.

"Yeah just around JJ's neighbourhood. It's a nice place."

"Do you want to spend the day with me and Jack? We were going to go to the park today." Hotch asked.

"Sure I'd love to."

I actually would. Before I left I spent a lot of time with Jack, and I guess I missed him as well.

"How about I pick you up around 10?" Hotch suggested.

"Sounds good, H- Aaron."

"Okay see you then Emily." Hotch smiled.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Half an hour later I found myself standing in front of all my clothes, stuck.

What should I wear? I was going to the park after all so nothing to fancy. But I wanted to look good. Would I looked better in the red blouse or my blue sweater... Which one would Aaron like more?

After five minuets of decided and changing my mind repetitively, I chose the sweater- it looked better.

I went back down stairs and said hello to Henry.

"Emi-leeee," Henry called running towards me.

"Hello there kiddo," I replied giving him a hug, "Long time, no see. Wow you grown!"

"Come play with me? Please?" Henry begged.

I looked at the time. 9:45. "Okay five minuets."

I must have lost track of time because the door bell rang and it was already 10:05. Crap, JJ was going to come and see who it was.

"Bye, Henry!" I whispered, sneaking off towards the door.

"Hey are you ready to?" Hotch- Aaron asked. I was going to have to get used to that.

"Yeah I am." I replied.

"Where are you too lovebirds off too?" A voice called.

I turned around at it was JJ. " Don't worry your secrets safe with me." JJ said winking.

"Haha, okay, let's go." I said pulling Aaron pulling Aaron out of the doorway towards his car by his arm.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Aaron called. " I forgot this earlier this morning."

He leaned in and kissed me. It was a perfect kiss. I blushed. We had never kissed in front of anyone and I was aware of Will and JJ watching us in the driveway. from the kitchen window. And I was pretty sure Jack was the car.

"Alright, let's go now." I said speed walking towards the car.

Aaron jogged in front of me and opened the passenger door, grinning.

"Thank you!"

"No thank you. I'm so glad you agreed to come with us today."

"I am too."

We got to the park fifteen minuets later. Aaron went and opened the trunk and passed Jack a frisbee and took out a cooler.

"Drinks and samdwiches," he explained.

I took Jack's hand and let him lead me towards the playground. Aaron walked up behind me and put his arm around my waist. He pulled me closer. And the three of us continued to walk towards the playground.

We watched played on the playground for a while, Aaron held my hand.

"Daddy! Daddy! Come play with me." Jack called from near the slide.

"Okay, one second!" Aaron called back. "I'll just be a second..." He said to me.

"Oh no it's fine. Go play with him, I'm fine here."

He kissed me on my forehead and ran towards Jack.

I watch them play tag, go on the swings. He was such a great father, and a great person. I was lucky to have him. I really want to stay here with him. And with the rest of the BAU, who were basically my family.

I walked over to Jack and Aaron on the swings and pushed Jack for a while. Eventually he got hungry and we all went and ate some sandwiches.

A little while later we headed back to the car.

"I'm have a great time with you guys today," I informed them, specifically Aaron.

"We are happy you came, right Jack?"

"Thanks for coming Emily!" Jack chirped.

Aaron drove me back to JJ's. When we got there he told Jack to stay in the car and he opened the passenger door for me.

I giggled. I still can't believe that I am in love with Aaron Hotchner- and he loves me too.

"Thanks for today. It kind of makes me want to stay here in Quantico."

"Shhh... We have two weeks till we have to worry about you leaving- though if you decide to stay here I could pull some stings and get you your old job back."

"Mmm sounds tempting..." Very tempting.

He kissed me quickly on the forehead, "Bye see you soon, Emily."

"See you soon, Aaron." I said walking towards JJ's front door.

When I got inside JJ and Will were doing a puzzle with Henry.

"Hi Emily," Will said.

"How was your date?" JJ asked.

"It wasn't a... It was fine. Actually it was great." There was not point in arguing. Plus I was pretty sure I was smiling like an idiot.

"Hey Em, I need to talk to you." JJ said quietly getting up and walking into the kitchen. I followed.

"What is it? Is everything alright?"

"Yes. I just want to ask you a really serious question."

"Okay, you are scaring me a bit. What is it?"

"Have you considered staying here in Quanitco?"

It's like she was a mind reader.

"We'll yeah I have. I miss the BAU, field work, you guys... Aaron."

"We've been having some obvious problems filling a spot on the BAU and if you want it, it's yours."

"What about Laura?"

"I have the job of going through handfuls of applications before giving them to Hotch to finalize- Laura is at the bottom of the list of people made for this job. And the previous five agents in nine months means the odds are really against her staying here."

"I'm thinking about it, and I have to think this through very well."

"Okay but let me know what you decide." JJ said.

"I will."

But part of me had already decided that I was going to stay.

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