New Look

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Percy P.O.V

It had been three days since I had gotten the part and since then, Annabeth and I had become practically inseparable. It had turned out that we had a lot in common. She had introduced me to her other friends, who seemed pretty nice. Well, except for Luke, Annabeth's boyfriend, who didn't seem to like me very much. I could understand that, I get it, he's overprotective of his girlfriend, which I respect.

Anyways, Annabeth was over at my house, laying on my bed as we practiced our parts for the play. First practice would be in two days, so we had to practice. We were taking a break, so I didn't notice that she was staring at me. I looked over at her and she had this expression that made me think she was in deep thought.

"What are you thinking?" I asked her.

"I'm thinking, " she said, finally focusing on my face, "we need to get you some new clothes."

She jumped off the bed, heading for the door and dragging me with her.

As we passed by the kitchen, I yelled out, "I'm leaving with Annabeth!"


I jumped on my bike as she got settled behind me, "Where to, m'lady?"

"To the mall, trusty servant!"


"Hold on a second, Percy. I have to use the restroom." She walked into the little room as I stood there, feeling awkward.

I was about to go sit at a bench, when a man tapped me on the shoulder, "Excuse me, but may I have a word?" I shrugged. "I notice that you and that girl seem to be finding you some new clothes, correct?" I nodded. "Well, that girl happens to be the daughter of a very good friend of mine. I haven't met her, but I am willing to give you a free makeover-hair and all. For free. "

"Um, I don't know-"

"Oh come now, I won't hurt you. Completely free. I haven't met her, but she knows who I am. And, best of all, she won't see you until the very end. She will see the transformation and she will be amazed. Come on. I will have one of my assistants wait here for her and tell her our little deal. She'll know once she hears my name." He smiled at me.

I thought for a second, then nodded, "Alright, sounds like a deal."

He led me away, towards a little barber shop next to a big clothes store.

Annabeth P.O.V.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I couldn't find Percy anywhere. I was about to call him, when a lady walked up to me, and told me where he was.

I went over to a bench and sat down, huffing. I pulled out my phone and commenced to playing vector. I had just been tazered by the guy who was chasing me, when someone tapped me on the shoulder saying, "Excuse me, but do you know where the bathroom is?"

I looked up to see a guy that looked similar to Percy. The guy had sea-green eyes and raven black hair, but that was where the similarities ended. The guy had a green skin tight muscle shirt with the words Aeropostale written across his chest in fancy script. He was really buff under the shirt, six pack and huge muscles. That was one tip that it wasn't Percy. Then again, he always wore such baggy shirts that it was hard to tell. Anyways, he had a blue and green plaid button up shirt over that. He was wearing jeans and blue converse. Then there was his hair. He had the sides cut down shorter and the top of his head was longer than the rest. He didn't have any glasses covering his green eyes. The front of his hair fell slightly onto his forehead. He was really cute, but my patience was wearing thin with Percy.

I pointed to the bathroom, "It's over there. "

"You don't recognize me, Annabeth?"

My head shot up as I put the puzzle pieces together, "Percy?"

"That's my name, don't wear it out."

"Holy crap." I said.

"Is that a good 'holy crap' or a bad 'holy crap?" Suddenly looking scared as heck.

"Definitely a good, Percy. You look amazing! How will your mom even know who you are? I mean seriously, this is like something from a movie." I can't wait to see her reaction. "We have got to show her and Pierce."

"Aww this is gonna be funny. Let's go!"


Percy P.O.V

"Hey Annabeth. Hey-who the heck are you?" Pierce said as we walked by him on the way to the kitchen.

I put a hand to my chest, faking a hurt expression, "You don't even recognize your own brother? I'm hurt."

"Percy? I haven't seen you look this good since-" he stopped abruptly, wearing a pained expression. I winced at the painful reminder.

"Percy? Is that you?" My mom said from the kitchen doorway.

"Sup, mom. You like the new look?"

"You look amazing. Come into the kitchen. I made blue cookies again today."

"Hold on, wait. I'm still having trouble believing this is Percy. How do I know that you guys aren't just playing a prank and that Percy isn't just about to come bursting through the room screaming 'Call the cops! This guy tied me up and made you all believe that he's me!'" Man this kids got an imagination.

I thought for a second, then smiled. I started to slowly walk around the room, so he wouldn't notice me getting closer to him, "Oh, I guess we will never know. I could murder you in your sleep if I'm not the real Percy. Sigh. Sadly, I am the real PERCY!!" When I said percy, I jumped at Pierce and dropped the act. I barreled into him and started to wrestle him.

"That all you got, Munchkin?" I said as I put him in a headlock.

"Okay! Your Percy! Uncle! Uncle!" I let him go laughing.

"You got that right, Reef Shark!" I replied, laughing as he made a face at his nickname.

"Reef Shark?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah. About four years ago, I was on the computer with-" I stopped, just now remembering who had been on the computer with me. My cousin, only about a week from when he disappeared. I noticed that everyone in my family suddenly looked really heartbroken and sad.

"With my cousin. " I continued. "And we were looking up cool pictures of reef sharks. We found this video of a reef shark eating a camera. They had it so that it was kinda like a security camera so that they could watch it. So the shark was going towards the camera when Pierce walked in. He walked over to the computer just as the shark opened his mouth to swallow the camera. Pierce started screaming like a little girl." A small smile played on my mouth, "so my cousin named him Reef Shark so he could never live down the embarrassment."

"I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry." Annabeth said.

I didn't like the awkward silence that followed, so I decided to do something to break it. I ran up to Annabeth, scooped her up, threw her over my shoulder, and started to run around. She started slapping my back as I went after Pierce. I grabbed him under my arm and started to run around yelling, "No sadness! This be happy moment! No sad!"

Everyone started to laugh. Even my mom was cracking up. I was having an amazing time. That is, until I tripped and fell on my face. Pierce, Annabeth, and I slammed into the ground, but they were the lucky ones. I landed face first while Annabeth and Pierce somehow ended up landing on top of me. Not sure how it happened, but a very small part of me is happy that they didn't get hurt due to my stupidity while the other part of me was, "Agh!"

"Ow." I groaned as I lifted my face from the ground. This only made everyone laugh harder.

"I'm glad my pain amuses you." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, " Annabeth said, "we won't laugh anymore." She was trying to keep a straight face, but was failing miserably.

*Author's Note*

Ah, tragic past *sniffle, sniffle*

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Keep Smiling,


Mamma Mia! I love her!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora