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"Can I be honest with you, Annabeth?" I said as we were on our way to school. Turns out we live really close to each other, so we walk to school with each other everyday.

"Of course, Seaweed Brain." Cool nickname. I decided if ask her about that later. Prevent my brain from getting sidetracked.

"Well, you know how Thalia is my cousin, right?" She nodded. "Did you know that she had a brother and half-brother?"

"She has siblings? Why didn't she tell anyone?" Here comes the hard part.

"Her half brother disappeared about four years ago and her brother disappeared about thirteen years ago. We had searched for her brother for countless years before we gave up. We stopped searching for her half-brother only a year ago. I think her real brother's disappearance was the hardest on her. " I said.

Annabeth was shocked, "Disappeared?"

"Off the face of the Earth."

'Beep! Beep! Beep!' Annabeth looked at her phone and a look of astonishment passed over her face.

"Percy, look at this." She handed me her phone.

'Annabeth, I'm sorry to say this, but I think we should break up. You haven't been around lately, and you've become distant. It just isn't working out.


"Hey, it's okay." I said, trying to comfort her. She looked devastated.

"No it's not." She said.

I got into a crouching position and convinced her to hop on my back. I started to run around in circles, making her laugh and giggle. After getting halfway to the school, she grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked backwards sharply, convincing me to stop.

I was about to ask why she did that, when I heard a voice coming from my left, "Sup' cuz?" Annabeth jumped off my back as I turned to face the voice. I studied the new guy. He had cropped sun kissed blonde hair and a tall build. What really made me stop and stare was his upper lip.

It had a crescent moon shaped scar on it. The same type of scar my cousin Jason had received when he had tried to eat a stapler when he was two.

"Jason?" I said in astonishment.

"The one and only." He smiled at me.

I gave him a tackle hug. I hadn't seen this kid in thirteen years. He was tall now, almost as tall as me.

"Where in Hades have you been for the past thirteen years, Jason? Your sister can't even hear your name without looking heartbroken." I said to him.

"I was kidnapped and taken to California. Don't you start pointing fingers, though. It was more of a child mixup than a kidnapping." He said.

Suddenly, I remembered Annabeth was still there, probably feeling really awkward.

"Oh, Jason. This is my good friend, Annabeth. Annabeth, this is my cousin, Jason. The one that disappeared when he was two." I introduced them.

Annabeth held out her hand, "Nice to meet you."

"Looks like your still attracting the ladies, huh, Perce?" He smirked, taking Annabeth's hand for a shake.

"One, how could I have possibly attracted ladies at the age of three, which is the last time I saw you, and two, Annabeth and I are just friends. " I blushed slightly.

"Oh, sorry, bro." Jason looked at me sheepishly.

"Wait a second, have you talked to Thalia yet?" I looked at him like a scolding adult.

He rubbed the back of his neck, "About that," he gave a small nervous laugh, "I don't know where she is. I found you without really meaning to."

I looked at him scoldingly, "You will be coming with us to school to see Thalia. "


"Hey, Thals!" I screamed to her in the lunch room. We decided to wait till lunch to present Jason. Which means she hasn't seen me all day either.

Thalia turned in her seat to watch me sit down.

She looked me over, "looks like you didn't want be Percy the nerd anymore, huh?"

"This was Annabeth's doing." I replied.

"I'm just gonna have to thank her one day. I missed Apollo's Percy." She said touching my hair.

I did too, but I wasn't gonna tell her that. She thought I wanted to forget about Apollo. I don't, though.

"By the way, where is the Blonde Brainiac?" She asked.

"She needed to use the restroom before coming to meet us. She'll be here in a minute. Oh, and there is a new kid we think you'll love to meet. " I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

She raised an eyebrow, before shaking her head and turning back to her food. I saw someone approaching out of the corner of my eye, and recognized Jason.

He reached out and tapped her on the shoulder.

She whirled, about to scream at whoever touched her, but she stopped short, eyes locked on the small scar apparent on the person's upper lip.

"Jason?" Thalia's eyebrow scrunched together.

"Hey Thals." Jason opened his arms and Thalia tackled him, squeezing the life out of him as far as I could tell.

Thalia and Jason started to talk about where he had been.

It's good to have the family back together again.


*Author's Note*


For those of you that commented, thank you so much. You motivated me to work on this and I finally did so thanks.

And I know I didn't mention that Percy knew Thalia, but go with it. If I get too many complaints (and no that is not an invitation, then I will go back and change it.

Comment, review, vote, and always...

Keep smiling,


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2014 ⏰

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